Game broken; Event over

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by #treehouse, Apr 24, 2017.

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  1. #treehouse

    #treehouse User

    I understand things happen but i feel very frustrated that I was on the last step of my event for the THIRD time when this game stops working! I have missed it again including everything ive contributed already with the last step. I want to know what you can do to help me get back some of what i lost.

    #treehouse | ID 9898399
  2. I agree with you treehouse... this is unacceptable!!!!
    #treehouse likes this.
  3. Elco

    Elco User

    lol theodora!

    It's not as if the devs have planned for any issue to arise and they must be as annoyed as we are, don't you think?

    Please consider this is work for them while it is at best fun and relaxing for us. So in terms of "unacceptable" I would like to use this word for things that really matter in life; not for a game where clicking can magically make tomatoes grow in 20 minutes if you know what I mean ;)
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you for your comments and they have been forwarded to the appropriate people.
  5. Fuzo1

    Fuzo1 User

    Fuzo1 | ID 9972837
    broke again. The game has been resetting itself every so many minutes. this has been happening for about a week or more. the game went down preventing the data to load (login appears to be fine) for nearly a day. it was back on line again a couple of hrs ago, an now back to the same problem of logging in but no data access. i appreciate this is frustrating to all.
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you
  7. lala3691

    lala3691 User

    после возобновления игры не могу участвовать в еженедельных мероприятиях...они не открываются хоть и доступны...почему?
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    After the resumption of the game I can not participate in weekly events ... they do not open up even though they are available ... why?

    lala3691 Please post your ID# for the game. This makes it much more accurate and quickeer to find your game. Have you cleared you cache's and closed your browser and rebooted your device? This often works in fixing the game when sections do not work properly.

    I understand the difficulty of posting in a second language, But we require that all post in the forum be in english.

    Я понимаю сложность размещения на втором языке, но мы требуем, чтобы все сообщения на форуме были на английском языке.
  9. lala3691

    lala3691 User

    ID 9994566 ... все действия что Вы предлагаете я произвела, но не помогло ..
  10. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    lala3691 - I have successfully logged into your game and collected rent from one of your buildings. Therefore, if the issue is still occuring then it would be either or internet connection or a problem in your system. Try clearing your cache's, turning off your browser, and restarting your device. This has helped several other people and myself in getting the game up and running after the problems earlier this week.

    lala3691 - This is the English Forum and pastings here are to be in English only. Any further infractions will lead to disciplinary action and could lead to banning from the forum.
  11. hellionhellion | ID 9423470

    Game freezes when trying to start 2 of my wood factories. Restarted game several times and result is the same. Please help.
  12. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    hellionhellion - I have logged into your account and have started the sawmills with no issues. Most likely causes of this is your caches need to be cleared, internet connectivity, or other issue at your end. Let us know if this continues.
  13. hellionhellion - Opening the game in another browser helped me, then saws started working :)
  14. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you for letting us know.
  15. hellionhellion | ID 9423470

    2 bakeries and 1 wood factory had led to the game freeze. It happens every time I finish an event. Is this the RC's goal - not to play the events?
  16. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    hellionhellio I have gone into your game and the two bakeries and lumber mill are acting fine for me. I do not know what is going on with your game. Guesses bad interface between you and the servers. Some times the internet providers do not play nice with each other. I can not recreate the situation. So I can not be of more help. Next time, if there is one I would submit a support ticket and let the powers that be take a more thorough look at your situation.
  17. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    hellionhellio, try and delete your cookies. If this doesn't work, try resetting the computer. If this step fails, try to use a different internet browser. I have had a few issues where the game would tell me that it was having connection issues on Internet Explorer, but other browsers seem to work fine. If these options don't work, please let me know. Thank you.

    P.S. if you have a lot of other tabs open, maybe try closing them or opening a new browser without any tabs. Just trying to find something that might work.
  18. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you Evilviper. I had allready stated this earlier in the thread. So I did not want to appear to snoutie and give the same response twice.
  19. 0951708551

    0951708551 User

    [QUOTE = "sclynx, post: 909068, member: 234780"] translation?
    После возобновления игры я не могу участвовать в еженедельных мероприятиях ... они не открываются, даже если они доступны ... почему?

    Lala3691 Пожалуйста, добавьте ваш ID # для игры. Это значительно ускоряет поиск вашей игры. Вы очистили кеш, закрыли браузер и перезагрузили устройство? Это часто работает при исправлении игры, когда разделы не работают должным образом.

    Я понимаю сложность размещения на втором языке, но мы требуем, чтобы все сообщения на форуме были на английском языке.

    Я понимаю сложность размещения на втором языке, но мы требуем, чтобы все сообщения на форуме были на русском языке.

    добрый день, я на 60 уровне . у меня уже все открыто. и кроме еженедельных мероприятий не больше заданий. скажите это все в плане развития острова? или у меня что то с игрой? мой ID 0951708551 по смотрите пожалуйста
    Last edited by moderator: May 27, 2017
  20. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    0951708551 Thank you for the assistance but there can not be any posting in another language, English only. I merged your postings, double posting is not allowed. The correct way to add to a thread after you have posted once is to go back and edit the original post.