problem with connetion

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by alexandrac93, Aug 1, 2017.

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  1. Hy!
    I can not log in for more than a month. I used Chrome and Mozilla after I deleted the history and all the rest. My user: alexandrac93 | ID 9531076 . How can I solve the problem?
    Thank you
  2. victori2

    victori2 User

    victori2 | ID 5881542 Blocking a sawmill, I've cleared the cache nevertheless I was blocked
  3. Natkompf

    Natkompf User

    Try to run it in a nother browser, and than u can try the previously used one.
  4. samsungsevov | ID 9639882 I have blocked a sawmill.I have cleared it I tested it with another browser as well as restart the browser and it is still blocked
  5. victori2

    victori2 User

    And with two and three browsers does not help you do not know it from 3 years, I know this thing
  6. G`day Alexandrac I have made some adjustment to your account so now you should be able to log in ;)
    Please advise us when you are able to log in thankyou
  7. victori2

    victori2 User

    victori2 | ID 5881542 Blocking a sawmill, I've cleared the cache nevertheless I was blocked
  9. Hy! I logged in! Thank you! :)
  10. That is great :)
    thread closed.
    For those who have also posted in this thread and still have issues, please ope your own thread and not hijack some one elses thankyou very much;)
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