Marketplace Top Prices

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by bcore120, Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Situation has been reported.
    Natkompf likes this.
  2. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    It is not uncommon to see this kind of situation on the market!
    We have often experienced this situation on the French market, and as far as I am concerned, I always thought that BP was no stranger to these tariff fluctuations!
    We can not go beyond level 75, so it is important for BP, which no longer offers new features, to slow down the progress of players in order to preserve its game
    It would also be interesting to compare the market prices of our products bought in our respective marke

    I hope my translation will be good, sorry in advance

    Il n'est pas rare de voir ce genre de situation sur le marché !
    Nous avons souvent connu cette situation sur le marché français, et en ce qui me concerne j'ai toujours pensé que BP n'était pas étranger à ces fluctuations tarifaires !
    Nous ne pouvons pas aller au delà du niveau 75, il est donc important pour BP, qui ne propose plus de nouveautés, de freiner l'avancement des joueurs afin de préserver son jeu
    Il serait d'ailleurs intéressant de comparer les prix de marché de nos produits achetés sur notre marché respectif

    J'espère que ma traduction sera bonne, désolé par avance
    Natkompf likes this.
  3. ziadelali

    ziadelali User

    i contacted customer support telling them about the problem and asking the if they can fix it and they replied with this:
    Hello ziadelali,

    Thank you for sending your inquiry to Support

    We have already sent this problem to our developers. We are wating for a resolution from them.

    If there is any other doubt we can help you with, please let us know.

    Your Bigpoint Customer Service Team,
  4. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    The eternal answer of BP type for more than 2 years :rolleyes:

    L'éternel réponse type de BP depuis + de 2 ans :rolleyes:
  5. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    lol, it gets even more weird... 480.000 bricks for 1380 per piece..., you're done making bricks if you got 662 million in the bank.
  6. amarssrs

    amarssrs User

    To be honest, I think all of us needed a "bath" of lower prices. Bigger cities need lots of bricks which price were no lower than 7.500 piece. Yesterday I bought bricks at 425 piece, and I couldn't get more cause someone else was buying them too... I do need tons of bricks to develope my city and I can't spend 7.500 (or more) per piece... and also I can't produce all the bricks I need cause it takes ages and I can't be all day long connected to the game... so... I took advantage of the lower prices.
    On the other side, I think that when you are a small city you don't realize that you will need all the bricks you sold before, and you will regret all the bricks you left on the market... When I was a small city I didn't sell anything in the market, it's now, as a big city, that I sell and buy.
    Jamerica likes this.
  7. Bennu

    Bennu User


    I absolutely agree

    My my city is not big enough to sell bricks or similar, (city level 75, almost 34,000 inhabitants)

    The sold of a brick is always lower than the rent of a house than you can build with this brick

    The more bricks for all the better
  8. ziadelali

    ziadelali User

    but almost all the offers in the shop are over 2 million cc no medium or small x=city can handle that price
  9. amarssrs

    amarssrs User

    Yeah, I'm level 73 and have less inhabitants than you... and many buildings need more than 1.000 bricks to be raised up... I'm not going to complain for buying bricks at 425 cc.

    Yes, that's why I said not a small city should think about buying and selling in the market.
    I was paying 2 million cc for 250 bricks... and with lower prices I can get more briks... that's a benefit for me, and also for small cities.

    The brick offers at 425 cc I was buying yesterday were a quantity of 100 bricks in a bunch... So the total price for a bunch was 42.500cc... any city can afford that.
    Jamerica likes this.
  10. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I bought 75,000 bricks @150 each.
  11. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    cool :p
  12. harley9883

    harley9883 User

  13. Agootje16

    Agootje16 User

    The prices ar low, but make the best of it i started to buy items that i need later in the game so i can open the store before i made the items. for example the donutshop, when i can build the donutshop i already can stock it before i had made donuts because i bought them for less money now.
  14. Bennu

    Bennu User

    We should enjoy adapting our strategies at the moment, market included :) Well done Agotje16 ;)

    Anyway, be careful with the products:

    the price sould be lower than the benefit (in this case the need revenue)


    [​IMG] the condo tower gives 580 of need renenue [​IMG] Donuts shop sell 12 donuts

    580/12= 48.33 the price should be 48 or lower

    Depends on the house

    I buy goods, I am always in a lack:(:(:(:(:( :eek:
  15. Deus666

    Deus666 User

    If this is not a hack, I'm Osama and I'm writing to you from beyond the grave. o_O
    Where's the attitude of the developers / moderators of the game?
    [​IMG] :eek::eek::eek::eek:

    15 million of bricks ??? Is it serious?
    6 brick factories x 16 bricks every 3h, are 768 per day playing 24 hours.

    15.000.000 / 768 = 19531 days = 53 and a half years.
    Damn math !!!!!
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
  16. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    You asked what our attitude is. We have reported the situation to the developers. We (moderators) do not have the tools to research the cause of the flucuation. So we are waiting to hear from the developers and management.
  17. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I think it's RC injecting millions of building materials through special accounts (to account for the extreme manufacturing shortages within the game itself). Just look at the big sellers, there are only a few. I do agree the possibility of the game being hacked is always a possibility ..but I doubt it.

    For those who are concerned the game's been hacked, then it may be prudent to remove your credit card information on file with RC. Afterall, RC has had plenty of time to respond to the moderators requests as to what's going on here, which RC has yet to respond!

    It's always better to be safe than sorry! Happy gaming!
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 12, 2017
  18. Hamiltucky

    Hamiltucky User

    Fair market value = What the market will bear.

    I do not understand price regulation or artificial manipulation in an environment based on Production and Capitalism.

    In my humble opinion, this game has come a very long way since it's original inception a few years back.
    Thus I have returned to play again. This is a fun and strategic game, and the balance has been very nice.

    Until lately, with the very odd, instant transformation of price structure in the Market.

    For me, at my City/Mayor level, it is impractical to play.

    While I've enjoyed revisiting this game, and was hoping to continue playing...
    ...chances are great that I will indeed discontinue this activity.

    Love the game, entertaining and challenging enough... and... the Market is a huge part of the strategy.
    BUT... If there is to be artificial manipulation of market prices, NOT based truly on supply-and-demand...
    I see no future in playing.

    There really is a problem with that system. I wonder to myself: "Where did any one player gain 100,000 bricks?"
    Perhaps they buy cheap and sell for a profit. Perhaps they have played for 3 years and clicked "Brick" every 3 hours around the clock...
    Perhaps... the products as well as prices are controlled by game algorithms and placed in the market by program bots built into the system... Or... the game has been infiltrated by gold-sellers and their bots or sweat-shop slaves.

    Whatever the case... something stinky is going on. If that truly is the case, I cannot support this. I cannot be a party to it.

    So... I'll keep watching the market for some semblance of balance and true supply/demand tell-tales.
    Failing to find that, I'll find some other time sink to waste my hours on.

    It's been fun revisiting this game, I appreciate the opportunity.
    Hope it works out...
    If the market doesn't become what I feel it should be, I'll revisit again in a few years to see how it's going again.

    Best wishes and Have Fun!
    - Tony

    P.S. - Edit - 15 Million bricks.... 2 listings in the Market currently with 15,000,000 and 15,500,000 bricks for sale at 150 CC per brick.
    How is that even possible?
    Even if the seller was buying and selling... at previous prices, even on a good day...
    That's just not right.
    Something stinky is afoot.

    That needs sorted.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2017
  19. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    There's presently an offer of 55,000,000 bricks @ 37 each. I just bought 130,000 @41 each, and then another 100,000 @37 each. Somethings looking very wrong here, is there anyone at the wheel?

    Happy gaming to you too!
  20. I don't like it more to play this game.
    This is not normal anymore.
    Look here then no one to?
    so you can no longer play the game, because the game depends on the market.
    without normal market, this is not a game anymore.

    I'm going to stop with this game too bad after so many years.
    good day I am going out of here.
    Greetings from holland that this game is tired.
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