Marketplace Top Prices

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by bcore120, Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. amarssrs

    amarssrs User

    I don't understand why all of you say the game depends on the market... for me the market is something I just use when I'm short of bricks or any other material... so using the market it's the exception, not the rule.
    ninnik63, Jamerica and Elco like this.
  2. I see that you started playing in April of this year, the market prices being so low one would think that they are a asset to your game.
    The developers are investigating how these low prices have occurred and how to restore them to a normal level. these low prices will not last for long.
  3. Deus666

    Deus666 User

    I hope they still respond in this life, because I had a problem in my account (random energy consumption) in February of this year and until today, well, maybe it is some transmission cable that broke ...

    Now as for the game, yes I do believe that a game becomes challenging the more it resembles reality and in reality you can hardly create a lot of consumer goods from the void (magic ???).

    So I imagine, or rather, if I scheduled the game, I would do a weekly event with a final prize of 5,000 bricks or 10,000 beams, etc. This creates a bubble of availability of these items for a short time, the price would fall due to the large offer, players with big cities and cash in the pocket could supply their stocks at a lower cost until the offer normalizes, injecting money for small cities. (And that would also give a lively one in the current events, which are always the same, with the same prizes).

    Now, in the situation we have today, there is a huge offer, with small cost per piece but who has money to buy ??? 144 million in bricks, I do not have this money :(... I believe that few have and those who have, some time will run out of money.
  4. Deus666

    Deus666 User

    really can not believe I read this. Please write at the end of the sentence the word "sarcasm" so there is no doubt (I'm not so good in English so ...) and you know how it is, there's always that doubt if this really is serious, but come on:

    "For me the market is something I just use when I'm short of bricks or any other material" exactly! And this is the function of a market.

    If you do not have beams, you do not build the small houses, if you only depend on your production of beams it will take a long time ... and you both want to build the little houses then at the same time you produce the beams you produce bread, bricks, beer, things that you will not use in the small house but that, YES, can be exchanged for small coins in the market, which will be used to pay for the construction of the small house (since nothing of this world is free) That you buy the beams that you did not produce, then, YES, the market is vital to the game as it is vital in the real world. Sell what you have to get money to buy what you do not have.
  5. Bennu

    Bennu User

    Really I can not believe the opposite

    I rose my city without the market (34,000 inhabitants, level 75). I started to buy brick (ones in a blue moon) at level 50. In my humble opinion, the market is not esencial it could be a help.

    Esencial means you can not play, and the market helps me to be a little bit faster, so it is a help not esential

    In fact, a seventh brickyard was far more useful to achieve bricks, I hardy can buy because of the high prices

    And other houses neither. I need 4,000 beams to up my Sunrises Lofts and I have 56 (I have spent 86,800 only in this type of house and I need 224,000 more). And 42,000 bricks and 112,000 panelling. And I have lots of types of houses

    Oh, yes! And... as the city grows it is harder and harder.

    Then, who the hell sell materials? My experience tells me that sell beams to buy lumber it is a bad deal, and sell bricks to buy beams too.

    It is easy to think you buy that you do not use to buy that you need, but rarely it is so. Every city needs every piece of material.

    So, if a hacker produce bricks, i am grateful, and if the price are lower too. That means our cities grow faster.

    The problem is not the lower prices, the problem is the huge amont of goods (100 million beams) that make the purchase impossible.
    Jamerica, Elco and ninnik63 like this.
  6. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    We must stop sulking his pleasure :p

    High prices, low prices, large quantities, fluctuation, speculation ....
    All this is an integral part of the game and we all know it!
    I have been at level 75 for almost 2 years and am happy to review almost consistent market prices ;)

    Il faut arrêter de bouder son plaisir :p
    Les prix hauts, les prix bas, les grosses quantités, la fluctuation, la spéculation ....
    tout cela fait partie intégrante du jeu et nous le savons tous !
    Je suis au niveau 75 depuis près de 2 ans et je suis heureux de revoir des prix de marché presque cohérents ;)
  7. Deus666

    Deus666 User

    Ok master of the mages, and how do you get money to up your town? If your city generates 1 million a day, I have no argument and I shut my mouth.
  8. Bennu

    Bennu User

    My city generates 2 millon a day if I connect in the morning and in the evening

    Money never was a problem, I generates more city credits than materials

    Edit: In fact, as I was collecting too many money (I achive 200 million) I started to buy materials in market
  9. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Just got 10 thousand bricks at 18cc each. lol.
  10. Deus666

    Deus666 User

    So be happy! Use your two million and buy until the end of the world. They are selling 57 million bricks to almost 2 billion, if you generate 2 million a day, so in 3 years you can buy these bricks, right?

    (There is no way to argue with who looks at the navel itself).
  11. harley9883

    harley9883 User


    I just purchased bricks in the market place, my last purchases were for lots of 100,000 units each. My account was deducted each time a sale went through. But not all the bricks showed up in my inventory. I think I'm short around 400,000 units (4 purchased lots). Can a moderator check this out for me?

    harley9883 | ID 7604763
  12. Elco

    Elco User

    So for weeks people have endlessly discussed about the weird market fluctuations and offers, the mods have time and time again confirmed that the situation is being investigated, and you now seem to be "victim" of a bug after purchasing just short of half a million of bricks? (By the way, there's no way you'll ever need that many bricks...)
    This is pure greediness from your end and you just got served!
    Now time to replenish your virtual wallet me thinks and next time you purchase anything, you might want to check straight-away it's there in your inventory :D
    I hope this unfortunate incident (which will no doubt be sorted eventually) will teach and warn others, although I doubt the majority will refrain their urge of owning something which they actually don't need... This is pure speculation and the precise downfall of our society in real life, reproduced tit for tat in this game...
  13. Elco

    Elco User

    Oh, so for you you have to be stuck at level 75 for years to be able to express common sense and form an opinion on how this game works? o_O
    You presume of something (BP to be behind the market craziness) but you've got no proof. Furthermore have you never been told it is wrong to presume of anything?

    Anyhow, there aren't any shortage; only impatient people.
    All the needed materials can be produced by everyone, albeit very slowly.


    But don't worry, mods will be able to confirm/infirm any purchase made and potentially restore what's missing or otherwise escalate the matter. So if you're patient, it'll be sorted over time. That much an 8 months old player can tell you ;)
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 13, 2017
  14. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Last edited by moderator: Aug 13, 2017
  15. As this post is now way too over heated Closed.
    the mod team are trying their hardest to find out how this has occurred and which is the best way to resolve the issue.
    In the future please keep to the forum rules and remember your manners:)
    guyjean1 and Elco like this.
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