Signature Image Error

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by KliktaxCZE, Sep 19, 2017.

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  1. KliktaxCZE

    KliktaxCZE User

    Hello, I'd like to ask a question :

    What is the maximum resolution for image, that I want to put in my signature ?

    Because I was recently editing my signature, and when I copied the image from, the only thing, that appeared, was "[ IMG ]", nothing more...
  2. Elco

    Elco User

    Hi @KliktaxCZE,

    Regretfully I do not have a precise answer for you, simply because in the specific FAQ for signatures and avatars, it says that it mustn't be "too big" without size given.

    Do please note that for a signature, the recommended size mustn't be bigger than 500 x 250 pixels.

    May I perhaps suggest that instead of attempting to copy an image directly from a website, you instead save that image onto your computer before trying to upload it here?

    All the best to you!
  3. KliktaxCZE

    KliktaxCZE User

    I have tried both options, as to copy the image from computer / from website ---> nothing worked, as I expected.

    According to the image details, it has resolution 342x249 pixels, which, as you said, should be valid to maximum limits.
    Honestly, I don't know, if it is error from my side, or something other.

    Anyway thank you for your answer.
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I like Elco do not have an exact answer for you. But, I have had difficulty in getting certain images to upload into the game. Only advice I can give you is make sure the image is not copyrighted and protected from being used. Also make certain you are uploading a picture and not an referal to an image in another site.

    Elco - Thank you once again.
  5. Elco

    Elco User

    Hi again,

    You seem quite knowledgeable on the matter so my next suggestion might be naive at best, but hey there's nothing wrong in thinking out loud with you, right?

    The image you're trying to upload is a jpg file?
    I would like to believe that a png file would do just fine, but say that for example the file type is different (gif?), that could be the root of the issue. In such case, a simple change of type thanks to Paint could sort your problem once and for all out.

    Fingers crossed that one way or another, you'll soon manage to modify your avatar (as one already shows next to your name) :)

    Edit: @s.c.lynx when a definite answer can be found in the forums, whomever (me included) is absolutely certain of it, but when no precise answer can be found, it is only fair to mention that there's an uncertainty about it, right? ;)
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2017
  6. KliktaxCZE

    KliktaxCZE User

    Well, I guess I finally know, what exactly to do with this.
    As always, thanks for the answer :)
  7. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We are always available. I hope you get the picture up. Closing this thread at this time.
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