Bug Connexion

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by guyjean1, Nov 15, 2017.

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  1. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    I am having a hard time connecting to any browser!
    I cleaned everything and everything is ok
    I'm on my quest and it's boring

    ID 3190710
  2. jfdoms

    jfdoms User

    Même problème, aucune possibilité de se connecter !!!!!
    C'est sûrement une grosse mise à jour avec de nouveaux terrains, bâtiments, etc ... LOL !!!!!!!!
    C'est bon de rêver encore !!!!!
    guyjean1 likes this.
  3. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    Je suis PTDR, j'adore ton sens de l'humour :D
    J'arrive enfin à me connecter à l'heure de ce post o_O

    I am PTDR, I love your sense of humor :D
    I can finally connect to the time of this post o_O
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2017
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    guyjean1 and jfdoms - Hello people. The best answer I have come up with is that there have been a series of browser updates over the last week and this has caused multiple sign in errors, my unofficial opinion. I can reset your resources which has been solving the problem for other players, but as always this causes your power and mood levels to be reset down to the correct levels. If you would like me to do this please tell me so.

    On a procedual note: Please only use English in this section of the Forum, We have to read all of the postings and makes it difficult; Also please include your ID number for your game. It makes certain we check in on the correct game.

    uyjean1 et jfdoms - Bonjour les gens. La meilleure réponse que j'ai trouvée est qu'il y a eu une série de mises à jour de navigateurs au cours de la dernière semaine et cela a causé de multiples erreurs de connexion, mon opinion non officielle. Je peux réinitialiser vos ressources, ce qui a permis de résoudre le problème pour d'autres joueurs, mais, comme toujours, cela ramène vos niveaux de puissance et d'humeur aux bons niveaux. Si vous voulez que je fasse cela, dites-le moi s'il vous plaît.

    Sur une note procédurale: S'il vous plaît utilisez seulement l'anglais dans cette section du forum, nous devons lire tous les messages et le rend difficile; Veuillez également inclure votre numéro d'identification pour votre jeu. Il est certain que nous vérifions le bon jeu.
  5. lala3691

    lala3691 User

    привет!...не могу войти в игру,не понимаю в чем проблема...
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    lala3691 - You need to post in English in this section of the forum. We also need your game ID number. I can reset your resources which has been solving the problem for other players, but as always this causes your power and mood levels to be reset down to the correct levels. If you would like me to do this please tell me so.

    I believe have logged into your game with no issues. Try again and let me know whether you can log in.

    guyjean1 and jfdoms - I have also been able to log in to both of your accounts. Try again and let me know if you are successful.
  7. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    Everything works, thanks for your intervention ;)
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you guyjean1 for the information