Can not logon...

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by martingreve, Jan 8, 2018.

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  1. I am stuck at the blue screen and can not logon to the game

    I guess my mood loss is below zero, which makes the game not work.

    Please reset my Mood and Energy


    ID 8718776
  2. garry58

    garry58 User

    I cant log in properly either so its possibly them not your game I'll wait awhile and see if it improves

    ID ID 4732759
  3. Ok, thank you for this info. I also did not expect to have "zero mood" problems yet, although it is close, maybe only a few days left......

    And now, I can logon again, so you were right....
  4. after 1 hour I can log in but al my houses, shop, fabrics and inhabitants are gone. I was closing an event by delivering de female figures, suddenley all was gone.
    What is going on??

    ID 4496272
  5. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I logged into all of your games and had no issues. Therefore I have not done anything to any of your accounts. My best guess is there is an internet or server problem acting up. Let us know if there are further issues.
  6. I still cannnot log in any more.

    I have two accounts. One starts normal without any problem. The account from ID 4496272 will not start. Please can you help me. It seams that there is no internetproblem at my side.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 21, 2018
  7. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    hhmvanmierlo - I have done everything in my bag of tricks, you are going to have to send in a Support Ticket so this can be passed on to the computer gurus to solve.
  8. garry58

    garry58 User

    hi hhmvanmierlo I also have no building etc and was level 75. My support ticket has been passed to the devs and I have been waiting since Monday. Fingers crossed
  9. I also was in level 75. The support cannot do anything. I'm still waiting what Bigpoint can do.
  10. garry58

    garry58 User

    My game gone now more info on another thread. Hope yours got fixed hhmvanmierlo
  11. Mine is not fixed. So I stopped playing. They cannot help me to log into my game. I have another account and that works normal. so it is not my computer that blocs the game.