Question for Advanced Players

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by truelinor, Jan 13, 2018.

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  1. truelinor

    truelinor User

    I find it extremely hard to keep up with the demand for Beams. I can keep up with Lumber, Bricks, Cement, Roof Tiles and Tiles, but also have a problem with keeping enough of the Wood Paneling. I was wondering how do you do it?!
  2. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    We all knew your problem!
    You have to take patience and sometimes buy at the market, and sell a little bit of production

    Nous avons tous connu ton problème !
    Il faut prendre patience et acheter parfois au marché, et vendre aussi un peu de production
  3. truelinor

    truelinor User

    Really? It seems like it's been this way since I started playing though. When does it get better? I can't buy any more plots of land or upgrade my City Hall, and I have to upgrade each building (what seems like) sparingly. In other words, I can only do one or two at a time. And then when the Events come along, well, I always want to win MetroMoney, so I enter them and then you have to supply Beams, etc. for that.

    OK, ok, I feel like I'm complaining, and that's not my intent. Sometimes I just feel like I'm not doing things right and I was just wondering if someone had some sort of magical (lol) formula for getting things done. :D
    StarostkaJana likes this.
  4. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    There is no magic formula :D
    Time is your enemy if you are ;)

    Il n'y a pas de formule magique :D
    Le temps est ton ennemi si tu es impatient ;)
    StarostkaJana and truelinor like this.
  5. truelinor

    truelinor User

    Alright then, I'll just carry on. FORWARD MARCH! :mad::mad::mad: :rolleyes: :p :D

    Thanks for helping me out!
    guyjean1 likes this.
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I usually do not get involved in this type of discussion but could not resist. For me the main focus is balancing the many needs of the city to acheive a desired goal. There is no correct way to do this and there are many avenues to choose from. Set your goals and aim for them and do not get distracted. In many ways the game is the antithesis of mordern society, which wants and demand that everything comes easily and right now. Okay you can take away my soap box now.
    StarostkaJana and truelinor like this.
  7. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    It's good to intervene, the debates are open to all
    I take advantage of your passage to know why there is more international ranking?

    C'est bien d'intervenir, les débats sont ouverts à tous
    Je profite de ton passage pour savoir pourquoi il n'y a plus de classement international ?
    truelinor likes this.
  8. MillerWrox

    MillerWrox User

    Tru, it's definitely a case of balancing and prioritising, and, as the others say, there is no right way to do it. Only your way.

    FWIW I made sure I had all the Lumber Mills I could build and upgraded them as soon as I could afford to. I have since done the same with all the other production buildings. Anything I don't need, I sell.

    With regard to houses, I demolished all the small ones a long time ago. For me, it was too much bother for too little return to have to be there for things that wanted you to click on them every few minutes. I remember reading a post by someone that had demolished everything that needed less than three hours. He said he was concentrating on things that needed less regular attention and was pleased with his progress. I followed his lead, but my demolition was not quite as drastic as his; I dumped everything that needed less than an hour and a half. It worked well for me.

    The other thing I do is to look carefully at the benefits of meeting all the needs requirements. Obviously you need to generate PP and EP to keep your city going (and you need Worker and Student housing for different event items). But, when it comes to Capitalist housing, I look carefully at how much I would get from the produce in the various commercial buildings and if it is less per unit then I would get by selling it on the marketplace, I sell it instead.
    StarostkaJana, truelinor and guyjean1 like this.
  9. truelinor

    truelinor User

    Wow, thanks everyone! :D

    I understand about demolishing buildings because you have to click on them every few minutes and I decided a while back that I would rather have the building - after all, I have plenty of space since I can't afford to build the more expensive ones, at least not all of them. I guess I like to see them all. However, that being said, I moved all the "cheap" houses to the country so I wouldn't necessarily have to see all those gold coins and be tempted to click all the time, which to me is addicting, yet takes up a lot of my time. This way I can go there and click through everything and then come back to the main part of my city. I still have them though, which is something I like. :)

    Another thing I like is the red barn, the second farm stage, rather than the blue barn, which, of course is the final stage, so I left one at the second stage just so I could see it. I wished the final stage for the barns was red, but there's nothing I can do about that. I did the same with the Lumber Mill (left one in the second stage) but just recently upgraded it to the final stage.

    There was a time when I thought it would be neat to have a city that had all the building at every stage, but I had already gone past the first and most of the second stages of the buildings I had at the time and couldn't bring myself to demolish them so I could have all three stages. Oh well. I do like it how I have it now though and I am ever trying to improve it. I just find it hard to save up City Credits in order to, say, upgrade my City Hall. I need 2,400,000 CCs to upgrade and I have a hard time saving much past 1/2 million! And the plots of land are over 3 million - who knows what they will be by the time I get to the last one! :eek: :D (I'm not really looking for an answer here, so please don't spoil it for me! :rolleyes: )

    But, I remember telling myself after I realized this wasn't a game I could just race through, that I needed to sit back and just enjoy it, and I do. There are games that I have done that with and when I got to the "end" I wished I have taken my time and enjoyed it more, you know? Just once in a while I get a little overwhelmed with certain things. I REALLY wish I could somehow get another bakery. I only have three and sometimes I find it impossible to finish an event usually because of my lack of bakeries.

    But thanks everyone and I do enjoy the game. I also enjoy coming here and letting off some steam! :mad:o_O :rolleyes: :D LOL