probleme de compteur

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by raphaella13, Jun 1, 2018.

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  1. bonjour
    mon compteur fonctionne en négatif
    chaque fois je clique ça m enlève des jaunets
    pouvez vous m aider
    merci d avance
  2. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    You must speak in English here @ raphaella13, I will translate your request ;)
    Tu dois parler en anglais ici @raphaella13, je vais traduire ta demande ;)

    " Hello
    my meter runs in negative
    every time I click that removes jaunets
    can you help me
    thank you in advance "
    misseloe likes this.
  3. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    raphaelia13 I do not know the meaning of jaunets and google translate does not work on this word.

    guyjean1 Thank you for the translation. Maybe you can help me. What are jaunets?

    Thank you.
  4. bonjour
    merci Guyjean:)
    je ne parle pas anglais
  5. _Bosco_

    _Bosco_ User


    @s.c.lynx "Jaunets" means "CityCredits"

    Don't worry we'll translate for you

    Ne t'inquiètes pas; on va traduire pour toi
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2018
    myrolo, misseloe and guyjean1 like this.
  6. bonjour
    merci Bosco;)
  7. guyjean1

    guyjean1 User

    Thank you for your intervention @_Bosco_, to many we get there

    Merci pour ton intervention @_Bosco_ , à plusieurs on y arrive
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you both _Bosco_ and guyjean1 for the translations and assistance.

    raphaella - I have no idea how you ended up with a negative city credits (jaunets). I did collect a few rents and the numbers are going up (since your total is negative you count will go down. I do not like doing this as I am unable to verify the correctness of the translation.

    raphaella - Je n'ai aucune idée de comment vous vous êtes retrouvés avec des crédits urbains négatifs (jaunets). J'ai collecté quelques loyers et les chiffres augmentent (puisque votre total est négatif, vous comptez baisser.) Je n'aime pas faire cela car je suis incapable de vérifier l'exactitude de la traduction.
  9. thank you lynx
    impossible de jouer dans ces conditions
    je vais arrêter le jeu.
  10. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Sorry to hear that. It is not impossible to play you just have to pick up a couple of million in jaunets in rent to get the totals back in positive numbers. let me try one more thing.

    Tried to log into your account but you are online at this time I will try this later.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
    misseloe likes this.
  11. misseloe

    misseloe User

    Hi Raphaella did your problem get solved?

    Salut Raphaella, ton problème a t il été résolu?