Game Screen is HUGE

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by DAVE11116, Apr 11, 2019.

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  1. DAVE11116

    DAVE11116 User

    Today my game screen got so big you can't do anything my coin collector is gone. I have played it on 3 different computers and it is the same. and yes i checked the full screen mode too.
  2. Mine is all messed up too if i go full screen my menu bar money bar etc. is tiny or gone. This makes it really hard to play!
  3. Rosomack

    Rosomack User

  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Please go to the sites Rosomack suggests above
    Rosomack likes this.
  5. DAVE11116

    DAVE11116 User

    As an update i wish these mods would actually find out the proper info before posting stupid answers, i sent in a ticket to support and they tell me that it is an issue with adobe flash and it will take a long while to fix it. So they say we must wait while Dev fix it.
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We try to find out the information or problem to every situation. There are several causes for the "stupid answer" Has the mayor provide all pertainent information; Has the mayor provide a screen shot of problem; Has the mayor made multiple postings in the forum; Has the mayor sent in a ticket and requested assistance in the forum, in this circumstance we are instructed to stop our activity on the situation.

    We have answered this question several times all ready in the forum. In this case the problem is beyond our capabilities and have turned it over to the developers, ergo the time frame is out of our hands.
  7. regine78

    regine78 User

    [QUOTE = "DAVE11116, post: 992683, membre: 273269"] Aujourd'hui, mon écran de jeu est devenu si grand que vous ne pouvez rien faire. Mon collectionneur de pièces de monnaie est parti. Je l'ai joué sur 3 ordinateurs différents et c'est la même chose. et oui j'ai aussi vérifié le mode plein écran. [/ QUOTE]
    Même problème pour moi... The same problem for me...
  8. regine78

    regine78 User

    the same problem for me
  9. regine78

    regine78 User

    [QUOTE = "feleciaknowlton, post: 992684, membre: 284749"] Le mien est tout foiré aussi si je passe en plein écran ma barre de menu barre d'argent etc. est minuscule ou parti. Cela rend vraiment difficile de jouer! [/ QUOTE]
  10. regine78

    regine78 User

    le même problème pour moi
  11. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We have not received any additional information, yet. We will let you know as soon as we hear an update.

    Please remember that the main forum all postings must be in English.
  12. Worf33

    Worf33 User

    Still nothing about this screen problem ?
  13. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Not yet.
  14. Worf33

    Worf33 User

    Is there a team working on it ?
    Because this problem makes the game quiet boring ...
    Inchikidana likes this.
  15. I think there isn't any team who carre about this game. After about 1 week the problem with the full screen is not fix it, and the special events there aren't for many years. Unfortunatelly for us we playing death game... Is there any good reason to continue this game ?
  16. Rosomack

    Rosomack User

    And quick auto-response:
    Who dares, who can, who may. :D
    Yours sincerely R. :)
    PS. I change size of screen and can play. :)
  17. yes all we can play if we change the size of screen. Also we can use full screen and we zoom out about 70% and if we have magnifier glass
    Inchikidana likes this.
  18. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    It all depends on the size of your screen in your device. Some people find 90% (like me) effective others have to use different sizing to fit the game in their device. As soon as I know anything I will pass it on.
    ninnik63 and Rosomack like this.
  19. Inchikidana
    ID 10129270
    Really,it's so difficult to undo any change they make before?
    I love this game and I play it to rest my mind,but now it make me anxious and it became a new cause of stress!
    Please do something,it's a shame!
    oikodomos69 likes this.
  20. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The only answer I have is they are working on the issue.
    Rosomack likes this.