2 farms freezing

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Elco, Jul 19, 2017.

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  1. Elco

    Elco User


    I've had the very same issue once before, and to my memory it was also while playing the Circus event.
    Last night I grew the hay and the carots needed for one task, while on the last 2 farms I grew a regular crop.
    This morning those 2 farms are freezing the game everytime I click on either one of them and are rendered useless.

    Before being told/asked, yes I have clear the cache and cookies of my browser (from the "beginning of time"), shut down my computer before restarting it, cleared the flash cache, tried a different browser and from a different device. To no avail.

    Could someone please start growing anything in those 2 farms (only 2 are not currently producing anything) in order to fix that recurring issue?

  2. I have restarted your farms and they seem to be working correctly.
    please advise us when you log into your game if your issue is now resolved :)
    Elco likes this.
  3. Elco

    Elco User

    Thank you very much for your swift assistance!

    I awaited to harvest the crop you started and then begin a new one, and am pleased to report that everything is back to normal.

    This thread can now be closed as the issue has been positively resolved. Thanks again!

    Actually, I'm experiencing another bug and I'm unsure if that is linked to the one of this morning...

    In the suburbs, I've upgraded to the max a Bohemian Cube and now it doesn't allow me to select the type of residents, nor the type of improvement I'd like, having mastered the needs and requirements.
    The "key" sign remains on top of the building and when I click on it, I am collecting some rent?!

    Could someone perhaps have a look at this and tell me how to fix it?

    Thanks again!
    Last edited by moderator: Jul 20, 2017
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Elco - Double posting in the forum is not allowed I have combined your posts and deleted one of them. Also it is better for you to start a new thread for each issue.

    I have had a look at your problem. I have tried everything I can think of except resetting your game. If you wish we will do this. Just remember it will reset your power and mood levels to lower levels. Let us know if your wish us to do this drastic step.
  5. Elco

    Elco User

    Hi, thanks indeed for merging the 2 separate posts.

    I've tried to move that Bohemian Cube but it is not possible and the issue is still ongoing... I am however astounded by your offer to reset my game... Is there really nothing else that can be done/tried? All this time and materials invested in developing my city could be reset simply because a bug prevents the last upgrade of one building to work properly? Wow...

    No, thanks, I do not wish to take this drastic step.
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Elco - Just so you understand a reset does not change your city. What it does is reset all of the registers to there original values. There is a bug in the way the game calculates these values for improvements to your residences. When you add an improvement and the improvement adds to your mood or power. Then when the improvement expires the total does not go back to the previous level. When a reset is done these values are returned to your actual numbers. Here is an example of a bug that benefit the players.

    Over the years I have had several resets and I cry when I see my power and mood drop by a large quantity. It takes a while to rebuild the power and mood back.

    In your case you may wish to submit a support ticket the power people may have a solution not available to us minons.
  7. Elco

    Elco User

    Alright, I'll submit a ticket and fingers crossed, the developers will be able to fix this issue indeed.

    Thanks again for your assistance in the matter!
  8. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We are here to help, that is why we volunteered. We may seem aloof and stuffy, but we all are really nice people. Good luck. I am closing this thread at this time.
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