(2012) Producers letter

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by -Wizz-, Nov 16, 2013.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Hi Hungary and Denmark,

    We thought that it is time to give you an update on the game and on how we plan to go on in the next weeks with your feedback and the learning we took out of the closed beta in both your countries. First of let us say a big thank you to all of you for your support and feedback! We want to create the best game possible and with your help, we are confident to do so!

    Current State of Rising Cities:

    We created Rising Cities to cater for a more complex gameplay with more strategy and decision making for the users. With your feedback, we see that the game can get a bit more complex in the beginning and unfold its more complex gameplay earlier. In addition we think that we can provide you, as the managers of your growing metropolises, with more meaningful decisions. We want to give you the freedom to really choose the development of your City. Here is a small sneak peek of what we want to change in the near future:

    • Citizen Types

    o In the future, you will be able to decide what kind of citizen move into your houses. The different types will bring you different items, that you will need for example for production.

    • Playfield Expansions will have dynamic prices

    o In the future you will be able to choose freely among the available expansions. The price of the expansions will change depending on how mayn expansions you already unlocked.
    • More Influence of Energy-Level and Citizen-Mood

    o We want to bring more meaning into this feature. Therefore the impact of happiness and current Energy supply in your cities will impact the number of Citizens, the Production Output and the Rent of your Houses more. We will give the influence more steps so that you have more freedom to decide which Energy-Level is sufficient for you and how much Happiness you really need in your city to fit your playing style.
    We hope you like what you read here and keep playing Rising Cities in the future. We are glad to have all of you on board for the upcoming weeks to bring Rising Cities to an international rollout!
    Your Rising Cities Team
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