A little help from Tassie plese

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by libertyel, Apr 29, 2016.

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  1. libertyel

    libertyel User

    I sent my ticket over a week ago and I still haven't heard a peep from anyone and I still can't log into my game. Any ideas why this process is taking so long? I know not to file another ticket but now I'm getting quite anxious because I'm beyond behind on my city. Any news is much appreciated. Right now I'm currently in the hospital and having this game at my fingertips is my usual go to for comfort. I'd hate to start over. Thanks again.

    libertyel | ID 6526583
  2. G`day Liberty I will try and follow this up straight away.
    Update I have forwarded your problem on up the line.
    Also I was able to log into your game, which I collected your rent on the mountain playfield. could you try and log in again please :)
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  3. libertyel

    libertyel User

    Nope so far no good. Thank you for your help and sorry for my impatience. Sometimes I fail to realize about a line but this game sure makes the hours in a boring, old, hospital bed go by. I still can't log in but in the morning I'll ask my sister to try again from her different computer and maybe that will help. Thank you dearly for ALL your help.

    P.s Thanks for collecting some of my rent;) it definitely helps.

    ok I just tried again under a separate browser and was let in partially and I was restricted (could,'t see some houses/collect some rent? But as soon as I switch back to chrome I cant get in at all. Even though switching browsers should work. I'll keep you posted.
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2016
  4. billyjim

    billyjim User

    libertyel, you may have run up against the firewall or security software (You said you were in a hospital bed). Which could explain the partial ability of a different browser. Are you on your own or a group internet connection?
  5. libertyel

    libertyel User

    A group connection that belongs to the hospital
  6. libertyel

    libertyel User

    All fixed thanks billyjim and especially thank you Tassie. I truly appreciate it.
  7. were always happy to help nice players.:)
    It is good t see that your problem is now resolved.
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