Academy Trainees (part 2)

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Elco, Jul 26, 2017.

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  1. Elco

    Elco User


    I previously posted about a problem encountered with my academy ( but as that thread was closed to replies even though I was invited to share the outcome, I am now posting this one.
    I hope this is alright and now regarded as double-posting...

    So, originally I managed somehow to max out the abilities of a student to be trained and even had skills (purchased with books) over.
    The issue was that I couldn't start the training until those skills were fully distributed, which couldn't be done as the abilities were already completely filled...

    I raised a ticket and I was told that HQ was on it for a quick fix.

    I am pleased to report that training was started indeed and once finished (with the student hired in one of the emergency services), I only had to allocate the left-over abilities to another student who seemed to have been trained "simultaneously", before eventually hiring that second student as well to another emergency service.

    I had no chance to increase the abilities through the purchase of books (or x-vitamins) for that second student, as he was already trained, but given the original issue I cannot complain.

    I can now train students in the normal intended way, which means that I can keep playing the emergency services and earning medals for rewards. That would have been impossible without a working academy and I am very pleased it ends so well and so fast :D
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Elco - Thank you for the update. No this would not be considered double posting. Sounds like you got an extra bonus out of the deal. Awesome. Enjoy your good fortune. Closing this thread since it has served its purpose. Thank you again Elco.
    Elco likes this.
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