accidental upgrade

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by wa64, Jan 4, 2014.

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  1. wa64

    wa64 User

    I have a problem pirate. I was collecting rent and clearing trash for the event and somehow upgraded a california ranch house with MM. I didn't want to spend 89 MM to upgrade it. I would greatly appreciate the MM back and the house downgraded to level 1 please.
    it happened about 4:30 am 1/4/14 ( Eastern US time)
    wish there was a confirmation button to prevent such things from happening

    thank you
  2. seems i did much the same with a bakery last night and didnt realise it till later
    lets hope we get a confirmation button soon. it will save pirate a lot of time
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I am really sorry but I have no way to downgrade a building the developers never thought to create a tool for that.
    That being said its a lot of MM to lose by accident so please contact support via email (it is always me so dont worry) and we will see what alternatives we have.

    We never handle MM (real money) issues via the forum just sop you know.;)
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