add blocker

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by U-Von, Jan 23, 2016.

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  1. U-Von

    U-Von User

    i built a movie house and started watching a video to get the cold hard green cash it offers of watching the adds but the computer said i have a add blocker - i called my computer repair company they had me search out anything that may have a add within the name and my computer says i have no such program either in the hard drive or in the apps so why can't i watch the adds and get the green cash rewards i so desperately need for this game - and on a nicer note - one last comment about the buildings i had made and wouldn't build - i figured that out it turns out that they required a road and i had none at that time to those buildings - that will teach me to pay more attention to things = lol
  2. G`day U-Von
    All browsers have pop up blockers, you can usually find these in the privacy settings of which ever browser settings you are using eg IE.
    click on internet options then privacy then uncheck popup blocker then click apply :)
    has this resolved your problem?
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    That message in the cinema is always there in the background whether you have any kind of filtering software/extensions or not and whether or not there is an ad available. It says you might have a blocker. Usually there should be a smaller box asking you to wait before an ad loads, and if there is no ad, it will tell you and ask that you to try later.

    Chances are, you just don't have any ads available. And while the MM helps, I assure you it isn't needed, and you can get it other ways if you are unable to pay, though you will have to build up your city a bit first.

    Getting slightly technical here, a filtering utility may not have "ad" (note, one "d") in the name; most don't, as ads are usually only one thing or part of what can be blocked. You don't even need a program installed to block such things. I doubt that it's the case, but it's possible you have a blocking extension installed into your browser, or your modem/router/firewall could be blocking things. It wouldn't hurt to learn what all of your applications are for though, as most consumer computers come with a lot of software already, though I doubt anything that would block only a portion of a webpage.

    A browser's inbuilt pop-up blocker shouldn't block the ads in the cineplex as they aren't pop-ups (which aren't explicitly ads [though often are], but rather new windows that are scripted to open). Cineplex ads are rendered in frames, which are very unlikely to be disabled for many people, and as far as I know the most-used browsers don't have this functionality built-in anymore (which was usually hidden away outside of any menus anyway) and now requires extensions/software to achieve it, as it's been deemed that disabling frames globally on the modern web breaks far more websites for average users than the problems prevented.
  4. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

  5. U-Von

    U-Von User

    well none of that was helpful sorry - i can't play through and i can't find a way to allow the youtube videos to display which is surprising sense i have a youtube account still can get the green cash i need because of that and until i find away to attain the cash for free i can't build anything more in the game - i know the company isn't running a charity but i simply can't afford to bay anything right now and it will be years before i can't spend money on a game in the future = so i will live with what i can get and got = thanks again guys and gales.
  6. G`day, U-Von
    Were always happy to help nice players :)
    Please post again in a new thread if you have further problems
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