All top 100 posts

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by tassie-devil, Apr 28, 2014.

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  1. Yes thanks to SKB13 :) a terrific effort for his 1st week
    skb13, promaster302 and promaster202 like this.
  2. garry58

    garry58 User

    Thanks for getting the list running again, its been a while... Well done SKB13 :)
    skb13 likes this.
  3. well done SKB13
    skb13 likes this.
  4. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Last edited: Feb 10, 2015
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    skb13 adding my thanks for bringing the list back thank you.
    skb13 likes this.
  6. agree tellus but they can close wizardelos thread(Archive Top100) and SKB 13 can make a new one .
  7. sadieny33

    sadieny33 User

    how can it be when they still have not fixed the bug with Golden Linings? There has been no change at all on population counts to adjust for the error!
  8. every one adjusts their own population count, please read SKB post also the mods will check any suspicious posts and they will be removed till the bug is fixed
  9. that had been considered, this is now skb top100, although we may reconsider this in the upcoming months;)
  10. SKB has graciously donated his time for the top 100 there is NO need to remind him or any of the mods what needs to be done or when, as you are very new to the game please read the faq, house rules etc .
  11. :mad::mad: i diD
    from now on i wont post here so i will not tell you or skb13 to remember something!!!!!!!!
  12. hi @skb13 in the last few days i didint post in the online forum because i wanted more houses in my city before posting. so i didint do it. i will do it now and please include me in the next one.
  13. skb13

    skb13 User

    Hi promaster - you will find yourself included this time, but you are still trying to confuse me. You posted twice, (no problem), but one was with your 202 id, and once was with your 302 id number, but 202 username. I have assumed the second post was supposed to be 302, and have changed it and updated accordingly. But good luck with your playing, and I hope you're still enjoying the game!
  14. skb13

    skb13 User

    Welcome to two new entries, and apologies to a third - igor7777. I'm afraid I found your stats slightly suspicious, so got someone to check them. It would appear you had grossly denied your level and plots, but given what you'd put down, seemingly grossly exaggerated your CH and population. Rather than try and glean your stats through a mod, or put down in the table something well below your level (and have others complain that you can't be level 8 with 4 land plots only and have over 6000 pop and City Hall of 8!)
    Always feel free to submit more than once or edit your response (if you've kept the link) if you feel you've made an error. To count land plots, it's sometimes easier to count what's left over - Mainland has 48 plots, etc. So subtract the plots you haven't got (assuming you've got all 4 playfields) from 142 and you'll get the right answer.

    Thanks again,
  15. sadieny33

    sadieny33 User

    Hey there. Just a quick note. As an old player that just reposted stats to the top 100 this week, I do want to make all aware that even when reducing the population count (using the reduction counts recommended) for the issues with Golden Linings, the numbers still appear to be out of whack. And it appears that if the GL's are temporarily removed from the board (did this to see if it would list the proper population with their absence), then placed back on they may instead of reducing the population, actually increase it beyond the known anomaly. I am at this point, considering demolishing all of GL's and seeing what that does to the population.

    Perhaps there are other buildings that are also creating anomalies? Unsure but will know more after I demolish the GLs. I will post the outcome once completed. So in review, the GL's increase the population beyond what they should when they reach higher levels (3 and 4), but they also add additional populations beyond the errors previously known if they are removed from the board and then put back onto the game board. Unsure if it is a double or something else. I don't know if demolishing will resolve the issue or not, but I will post the outcome once completed.
  16. in reply to you demolishing you gl buildings it wont bring your population back to what it should be. I am not aware of any other anomalies at this time
  17. sadieny33

    sadieny33 User

    Follow-up to previous post.

    Ok so I have demolished two GL's and it has only reduced the population by the amount that a real GL at level 4 would actually have given. Thus removing all GL's does not eliminate any past increases in population attributed to the error in the GL's. I know my population while high can not be as high as it is even reducing it by the recommend amount. Thus while I hate to say this, I think it is time for me to move on folks. Have been here a long time and enjoyed the game, but there is little interest by the developers to deal with a significant error in the game it appears and little movement on expanding the game to keep the interest of us old timers. Note--this is not at all a slam of the volunteers who have been wonderful and continually have tried to deal with the concerns over this issue. But I am tired of waiting for fixes to bugs. I wish all of you the best and will keep my eyes out for you on other city planning game sites. Best, S
  18. sadieny33

    sadieny33 User

    Thanks TD, just posted my outcome and you are correct--see my second post for more info.
  19. sadieny33

    sadieny33 User

    Yup, did the reduction as per SKB recommendation but my population even with the reductions is obviously still out of whack (as I stated above it appears that if you move a GL, it increases the population even above the error--I have moved my GL's a couple of times to address changes in building placements to ensure they were for example near newly built Ski Huts and Guoda's to optimize scores but as a result my population numbers have exploded well beyond the initial error. Removing them from the board and placing them back on resulted in similar population increases so now I have increase populations on top of the original errors! Ugh. Appreciate your attempts to bring some sanity to the error but at this point think it is time to move on.
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