An observation..Flags (residential drop) Winter Games

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by kuroyany, Feb 12, 2014.

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  1. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

    Just did my morning rent collection after starting task 3. Don't know if it's a bug but the flags collected are not showing up in the warehouse as is normally the case in events. They are however showing up in the event plaza.

  2. wiz posted this problem yesterday it should be fixed soon :D:D
  3. kuroyany

    kuroyany User

  4. Just remember that "soon" is a very relative concept. :cool: :D :cool:
  5. yes similar as saying it will be fixed tomorrow :D;)
  6. That's the sign of abundance. We have sooooooooo many tomorrows. :D :D :D

    PS: wonder how many new preducers they have in their sleeve. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  7. i like the new producer so far ;):D lets hope rc keeps him for some time to come:)
  8. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Closing this, as there isn't more we can do here.
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