Another Cineplex thread

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by bonsaijim, Dec 2, 2013.

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  1. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    Its about daily that the cinema tells you there's a movie available then when you punch play it tells me that there is no movie... thereby forcing you to cancel and lose the ticket... <sigh>

    How does one actually file a service request since that was the direction one poster was told to do?

    bonsaijim | ID 4610647
  2. shaman44

    shaman44 User

    i lost all 3
    MMs due to the Cineplex glitch again today!
    medicineman108|6995263 level 22
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I must say it is a little misleading to complain when you have already watched and been paid for the first two (which you omitted to say) and the third timed out which nobody ay our end can help.

    Cinema view 02.12.2013 04:21:27 -1

    Cinema view 02.12.2013 01:18:40 -1

    Cinema view 02.12.2013 00:05:10 timeout
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Placing false information or lying for whatever reason will see you banned from the forum this is not helpful in a difficult situation.

    You watched all three and where paid for all three:-

    Cinema view 02.12.2013 02:27:13 -1

    Cinema view 02.12.2013 02:22:20 -1

    Cinema view 02.12.2013 02:02:33 -1
  5. May I humbly suggest that not always what we see on our screens is the same as what can later be seen in our logs. There might be a display issue or a delay issue involved in it or a myriad other "issue combinations" like "bugged process ending yet MM credited later" etc. Thanks.
  6. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Thanks Norton your sense prevails again and I may have to eat humble pie here.

  7. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    "Misleading"... why not call me a liar outright.

    Really, let me tell you how it goes... sometimes I can watch a movie and it tells me the next one is available... then it tells me there isn't actually a movie available... and you can't cancel out or do anything without losing the ticket. Occasionally, especially at first, I tried to not cancel out in hopes of not losing the ticket. Now I know better. I just cancel it. And sometimes it happens the first time through. Or the third...

    But it makes me misleading because occasionally your programming works... this is customer service at its finest.
  8. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    As our friend Norton suggested in another post I am possibly being a little overbearing in my comments and for that I do apologize.

    I am trying my best to sort out issues from perceptions and giving misleading information is not helpful.

    That being said I accept totally that the team have an issue here that needs to be fixed.

    With the greatest of respect may I ask that all of you post the exact facts not a broad overview of opinion so that I may. in turn pass those comments on to our development team and the external advertisers.

    If I give an example to the various teams of a player that says they did not get a reward and it turns out that player was mistaken and the reward was given it reduces our argument that there is a major issue.

    I hope that makes sense.
  9. nyrising

    nyrising User

    Okay ill try to help. Lately, when i watch the first movie and the button at the bottom turns green and says get your reward. But then i press it and its says something like thank you for watching or something, i forgot. Then i go to exit out and it says that i haven't finished watching the video, when i did and already pressed the button to collect my reward. It stays on that so i have to exit and i don't get mm. this has happened a few times but only for first video. Then second one usually works but then the third one has similar problem. Not that upset because i know its a new thing and will have problems but hopefully you can fix this soon.

    nyrising ID 6472240
  10. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    Well it kind of depends on what is a major issue... I seem to have a "failure rate" of 30% of attempts which occur on a daily frequency. These are not isolated incidences as multiple people are complaining indicating there is some segment that is probably not saying anything.

    I never said I'm never getting rewarded. I stated fairly clearly the incidence rate; I've made daily postings since it was asked to start new ones, not use another's thread.

    Were it the brakes on my car it is a major issue; thankfully it's not. Granted it's a game. No BFD. An annoyance basically. If I were the one handing out raises to these programmers this would be a very big deal as they are not performing. A matter of perspective.
  11. I guess since the problems have been now officialy recognised by official anouncement and players encouraged to inform about failures, it's the best we can do now. Give accurate, clear and concise information about the type of failure we experience, so that mods have material to forward to responsible teams.
  12. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    Will do.
  13. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I think I did retract my earlier comments to some degree, as you can imagine we/I am being swamped with issues largely created outside my area of control so my reaction after 150 tickets and many more posts is a little "Knee jerk" for want of a better description.

    That being said players posting here have a genuine issue so I should (and will) temper my responses, hope that answers your question....:(
  14. bonsaijim

    bonsaijim User

    All good.
  15. am sure we all appreciate your efforts piratelee, lets hope the tech people can find a solution to this error
  16. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Cheers mate, I never make excuses for my own actions however I do "own" them so thanks for your understanding.

    That being said this situation is very complex and I am talking to our devs everyday to try and get this fixed.

  17. seems the the clock on the cineplex has started working, :D so some advances have been made
  18. Noticed that yesterday too. :) And wouldn't it all have been so much "normal" if Mr Moritz bothered to communicate properly? Well ..............
  19. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I think we spoke too soon the issue is back, I will close this thread now as another has been opened on the newer issue.

    Another day etc etc etc....:rolleyes:
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