Another game reset please

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by libertyel, Apr 22, 2016.

Dear forum reader,

if you’d like to actively participate on the forum by joining discussions or starting your own threads or topics, please log into the game first. If you do not have a game account, you will need to register for one. We look forward to your next visit! CLICK HERE
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  1. libertyel

    libertyel User

    My screen won't load beyond the blue screen with the picture of the house. I've been trying all day to get in. Any help would be much obliged.

    P.S. All the usual steps (cleared cache,different browser,etc) have been taken already.

    libertyel | ID 6526583

    Thanks again in advance.
  2. G`day Libertyel, as requested I have rest your game.:)
    Has this now resolved your problem
  3. libertyel

    libertyel User

    Unfortunately no. I guess the problem's on my end. I don't know what else I can do but I'll keep looking and trying. Thanks for the speedy help.
  4. have you tried all of this ?
    also a different computer or browser ?
    Could you please try the following advice below and also try logging into your Game Account to see if this helps with this issue?
    Also try to log in with google Chrome, it seems to be the browser that best supports this game

    Please delete your browser cache. We've compiled a guide on all major browsers for you here.
    • Internet Explorer 6:
    Tools --> Internet Options... --> Delete Cookies and confirm with "Yes". Afterwards, delete files (check) and confirm with OK.
    • Internet Explorer 7 + 8 (IE7 + IE8):
    Tools --> Internet Options... --> Delete Browser History ... --> Delete All... (check) and confirm with "Yes". Afterwards, click "OK" and all files will be deleted.
    • Internet Explorer 9:
    Tools --> Delete Browser History
    Remove checkmark from "Keep preferred sites"
    Add checkmark to "Temporary Internet Files", "Cookie", "History" as well as "Download History".
    Then click "Delete".
    • Firefox
    Tools --> Delete Latest History --> Add checkmark to Cache, Cookies and Visited Pages and Download History and then select "Delete All" and confirm with "OK".
    • Google Chrome
    Click the wrench icon in the browser's toolbar. Select "Tools" and then "Delete Internet Data". Add checkmark to "Delete Browser History", "Delete Download History", "Delete Cache", "Delete Cookies and Other Website and Plug-in Data" and then click the "Delete Data" button.
    • Safari
    Select "Safari" in the browser menu and then "Delete Cache". Confirm with "Empty".
    Please then close your browser, open it again and log back into the game.

    Also check if Flashplayer is updated and its cache cleaned as well.
  5. libertyel

    libertyel User

    Thank you so much, I've done all that(I only use chrome) except use another computer, which i have no access of right now. I won't get to another computer until another week or so and will be able to try then. I really appreciate all of the help you've given me and will give it all one more try in the meantime.
  6. I find firefox is more user friendly with this game :);)
  7. libertyel

    libertyel User

    I had my sister try on her computer with 2 different browsers and she couldn't get beyond the blue screen either. Her cache was cleared as well even though she doesn't even play computer games. I wonder if it's an issue like last time where a few people just couldn't log in. I've literally done everything on my end that you've suggested and even a few extras. I'm open to any more suggestions. Thanks:)\

    I just went to wolfie's thread and they seem to have the same type of problem. Once I got to a certain part of the event I could no longer get back in. Hope this is of some use.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2016
  8. G`day Libertyyel
    can you please fill out a support ticket please and explain what is happening then we can get more info that will help solve your problem
    once I receive it we can investigate further :)
  9. libertyel

    libertyel User

    I just sent it but I unfortunately forgot to put my id number. So sorry and thanks for all your help. You've been really great to me.
  10. your Id number has been picked up in the additional info that your support ticket gives to us.
    I have referred your problem to the tech`s for investigation:)
    So we will continue this through our email system and will close this thread now
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