Another Marketplace 'Glitch'

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by MI.Calgon, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    Y'all may already be aware of this, but I haven't seen it mentioned yet.

    My items are selling in the marketplace. ;) Thank you to all my customers! :DHowever, I do not get the ! on my marketplace spot of the toolbar when items sell. I've just had to make sure that I check frequently to see if the items have sold.
  2. Mine works all right so it's just "local" issue.

    EDIT: Well, not true. It did until a few minutes ago ........... lol :)
  3. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    LOL :p
    I think it has been showing up some of the time, but more often than not, I have to go to my marketplace to see if items are sold.
  4. Not only that, sometimes when I try to buy something I get a message saying I am too late and that someone else beat me to it. When I checked my warehouse I saw that the purchase had gone through. Potentially dangerous situation as some might continually press BUY for a range of items without realising that they are buying!
  5. davidD

    davidD User

    See "!! Marketplace Purchase Message Error !!" for info on this
  6. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Exactly like I have it :(
  7. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    We all have this issue periodically and it has been reported to the dev team around a week ago.

    Hopefully when the come back to work in the New year they can fix it.:)
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