Art Expo clock

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by lucynted, Jan 12, 2016.

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  1. lucynted

    lucynted User

    My Art Expo clock said that I had close to 6 hours left and it suddenly shut down and said that I ran out of time. What happened?
  2. G`day lucynted, I have starts the clock and will have to let it run its time down so that will take me 72 hours, I have not come across this problem since I started playing 3 years ago.
    It maybe just a display problem, do you clear your browser/flash cache etc on a regular basis?:)
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I had an issue like this several years ago. There was a connectivity breakdown between my system and RC servers. The clocks did not advance in my game and where not synchronized with the clocks at RC. Leading me to beleive falsly that the game was still active when it had expired. I do not know if this occuring in your situation. But was the only time I ever saw this happened before.
  4. lucynted

    lucynted User

    browser was clear it was strange.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    You may have had a bad or weak internet connection in the link between your computer and the servers at RC. Your computer may not have been getting the updates for the clock properly. Then when you accessed the servers they synced up the clocks and that was that.
  6. I Have not been able to duplicate your issue
    as there is nothing further thread closed :)
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