Art Gallery and Studio

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Elco, Jun 22, 2017.

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  1. Elco

    Elco User


    A while back I won a Bohemian Cube and as you all know, one of the needs it requires after upgrading, is an Art Gallery (which in turns requires an Art Studio to produce the paintings to then sell).

    The Mystery Building "random pick" is now back for the next 48 hours and it is the artsy kind with the biomass powerplant as well.
    Unfortunately I see that neither the gallery or the studio are available if one was to try his luck by spending some MM.

    Going through the forums, I found this useful thread:

    Am I to understand that as those 2 specific buildings were from season 1, there is currently no chance whatsoever to win/earn them somehow? Or perhaps they belong to a different set of Mystery Buildings (such as for example the florist)?

    Many thanks already!
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    The Art Gallery and Art Studios are available in Mystery building season 1. I have won an art gallery from Season 1 but never won an art studio. Which worked out for me. I just purchase paintings in the market place. I hope this helps you.
  3. Elco

    Elco User


    I'll patiently await for the next round of Mystery Buildings Season 1 and with a fair bit of luck, I might end-up with my own Art Gallery as well :)

    Many thanks as always s.c.lynx!
  4. NoslyaM

    NoslyaM User

    Hello dear friend Elco,

    Once you have your problem solved, we will close this thread.

    Thank you for informing us.

    If you have any other doubt, be kind to open a new thread.

    Elco likes this.
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