Axes drop rate problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by amaliagranata, Dec 9, 2013.

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  1. I'm running the Wood Chopping Competition event at the moment, and I've noticed that the axes drop rate is very low.

    Paying attention to the number of items dropped, I've discovered that the number of axes I get when I click on a house to collect the rent (this number is visible when the "increasing tips" option is on) is not the same as the number of items that I finally get in the warehouse. Most of the time, for example, when I see 10 axes coming from a house, only one is stored in the warehouse, and this seems to be totally random, because most of the time the quantities are wrong, and from time to time I get them right.

    Can this problem be solved? or is this the way it is intended to be?
  2. Amalia I noticed that very often increasing tips give incorrect numbers even for houses. Seems to be general problem.
    Axe drops were good for me on lvl 4, but much slower on lvl 5
  3. -MrMungo-

    -MrMungo- User

    I know you can get 2 drops from a house - ie, a 5 and 1, but for me there's always been more in my warehouse than I had counted, and not the other way round.

    The drops from all residentials are generally quite low I've found. Tend to be better when it's just from capitalists/workers, etc.
  4. I did this event many times, and usually the drop rate is fine for me too. But this time it is taking a bit longer (well, much longer :mad:) and that's why I decided to check the numbers. It seems that what we see it's not what we get in RC! :rolleyes:

    Mr. Mungo, I have many drops of 10 items, specially from houses with rent time > 4 hours. And now that we have events (and the same events) more often, I know more or less how long it takes to finish them (also, I keep logs of the events and the strategies I use, so I don't need to think again every time one of them is available).

    Thank you guys for your comments! :)
  5. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    The highest event drop you can get from one house is 16.
    At least that's the highest I have got and the highest I have heard others report.
    Dunno how its for axes this time as BP yet again "improved" the game by removing the ability to see event drops in normal view.
  6. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We are trying to reproduce this issue. If you encounter this again please try to make a screenshot of before/after of the warehouse stock along with the number of event items showed while collecting.
  7. Hi Wizz,

    The event is over for me, but if I notice something in another event, I will try to make the screenshots. The one with the info of the houses drop number will be tricky, because it happens very fast!
  8. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    I have checked this issue vs current events and there were no incorrect values. It could be that numbers from rent or revenue overlaped with the drop number and you saw something else.
    Please let us know if you notice this again on another event.
  9. I am completely sure about the inconsistency. I checked it many times, to be sure. Many of my houses give me 10 drop items, and I was only counting the cases when the numbers were clear, without a doubt, no superposition or the like.

    I will try with the Artist Week, and tell you what happens. I will train my finger for the screenshots!! :D:cool:
    skb13 likes this.
  10. Amalia what you can do, if you want to play with it, is to use some screen recording software like CamStudio and others to record the whole "drop collection" process, and then pick up screen shots from resulting video. Smart idea, but I wouldn't bother with it myself. In any case, it can make a difficult catch-up operation rather easy. :)
  11. Nice idea, indeed. I didn't know about CamStudio :oops:. It seems to be a nice tool. I will try it and we will see if I can catch some misbehaved numbers :p;):D
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2013
  12. momad

    momad User

    how do you even get axe? how does this works? i get one axe per house the first time then it doesn't drop after 2-4 times after collecting rent. sometimes more.
    can someone explain to me how this works. any tips would be helpful
  13. What is your Mayor level? For low level houses the drop rate is very very low. Starting from the Eco-Friendly Row House, Vintage and Sleek Duplexes (see the list of residences here ) you will have some decent amount of drops.
  14. Hi Wizz,

    I followed Norton's advice and made a movie while collecting rent for stage 3 of the Artist Week (get paint cans from workers). I will take the screenshots and I would like to know how to send them to you.

    Even though the movie doesn't last long, the file is a bit big (I don't have nice codecs for video compressing in this machine) but if the screen shots will do, for me it's OK.
  15. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Please use support ticket for this report.
  16. momad

    momad User

  17. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Since issue will be followed up via ticket, i will close this thread.
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