Back in the Game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by honeywest, Dec 21, 2014.

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  1. honeywest

    honeywest User

    Probably nobody remembers me as I stopped playing this game soon after the Emergency System went online and just recently came back. But, I wanted to poke my head in and say hello just in case some out there do remember me. I also wanted to say that I am glad I came back and have noticed some new things that are really great, like the Loot-A-Matic and the fact that they have more challenges. I do like getting emergency people to school too. I just wish the Events had changed and gotten a bit better. The prizes still seem to be lacking somewhat for the amount you have to do for the event. Where are all the people and vehicles? I used to love watching them, looking to see where they were going. Now, there is hardly anybody out and about in town. I have read some things on this board that are a bit alarming, like where is Seph? What happened in the past year or so that I was gone?
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
  2. dappesh

    dappesh User

    Welcome back! I know you won't remember me as I'm generally a lurker but I do remember you, from this game and others, and it is good to see your voice again. :)

    We do see a few things here and there, but there's little or no sign of active development. Or Seph. At this point it does appear that even simple bugfixes aren't getting done (reference the Golden Linings population bug). The quests keep coming but the're just replays of the old ones. One of the greater signs of life we've seen in a while was a little update of the Winterfest quest from last year and a nice winter bonus code. You'll still see mods around and players enjoying the forum.

    I personally still enjoy playing the game but my expectations as to the company's support are low. Incredibly low. :)

    Good of you to drop by! Wish there was better news.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Glad to see you back. Another voice you will not recognize. I was a shy lurker back in the day, not any more. Your observations are spot on in my opinion. The game is great in most cases, but as dappesh says little sign of life from the big point family except for the Mods.

    Glad to see you back, hope you will stay around.
  4. honeywest

    honeywest User

    Wow, it's great to be remembered! :) I am also glad to see that I am not the only one that misses the people and vehicles. In another game I play we were getting much less attention from the devs and it turned out they were hard at work on a new game. We've been promised that it won't be long until they are back into their usual mode with the game we play. Maybe that is what is happening here. Hopefully, the devs will be back with some revamped and/or new stuff soon. :) Btw, what is the Golden Linings Pop. bug?
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    The Golden Linings Population bug -- When the Golden Linings residence is upgraded to level 3 or 4 the number of residents jumps to some astronomical number I have not tried it yet instead of 64. The developers are working to repair this error at this time. Several things have been suspended till the bug has been repaired. The top 100 list is the most common item held up for now. So good luck.
  6. hi honeywest you don't remember me since i started last Friday,btw welcome back. now i have some people and cars in my streets not much but a little. i only sow one bug about a quest that i had already done. want some neighbors? if yes do you want me to be your neighbor?.
    happy gaming friend.
  7. ZenobiaZoe

    ZenobiaZoe User

    You might want to go to Additional Options and turn off the Sparse Traffic option. You will see more people and cars if you have it off. :)
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I forgot all about that option. Thanks for the reminder ZenobiaZee. Good reminder. :cool::)
    ZenobiaZoe likes this.
  9. honeywest

    honeywest User

    Oh, thank you so much ZenobiaZoe, I too forgot all about the additional options button. Now I can see all my people lol
    ZenobiaZoe likes this.
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