
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by oddog, Feb 10, 2014.

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  1. oddog

    oddog User

    i want to know if they are ever going to let us have more then 3 bakeries? i find that i have all 3 of mine going full time and i am still falling behind on some i have built a pizzeria and it needs bakery products as well, it is all i can do to keep my bread baskets full!! i tried to buy a permit but that isn't allowed either! thanks and i look forward to your answer, cheers, colette, number5768033
    wastelander54321 likes this.
  2. Might I suggest going to the marketplace to get additional supplies of what you are short of and then working with your bakeries to catch up? Do you have all of your bakeries fully upgraded? This may help as well if you don't.
  3. Everything that has a beginning has an end. I see the end coming. I see the darkness spreading among the times when we could have just three bakeries...
    oddog likes this.
  4. oddog

    oddog User

    i have two upgraded and am getting around to the third...i find that the prices for the goods in the marketplace is too high,(199-200 for buns) i wonder what the reasoning is on not allowing more bakeries?? my city is getting very big and if i want to keep upgrading buildings then i will be forced to build more bread baskets!!! i am really hoping that a bakery will come in a mystery building or they relax the rules and let us have a couple more!! thanks wildheart for the suggestions, i will get to upgrading that third bakery asap..:) colette
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  5. This keeps amusing me. Where do people come up with the idea of being forced to do something in the game? :) To say just a little, I do keep upgrading and never felt forced to build a single bread baskets. In fact I could do completelly without them while upgrading. Are we each playing a different game? :)

    Note: I might be mistaken if the game takes a different turn in the future but giving production buildings in mystery packs or events is not in line with the current game philosophy as I understand it.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2014
  6. Hi Colette,
    I have moved this to "Speakers Corner" as this has very quickly moved onto a discussion.
    General Questions usually contain specific questions that can quickly get answered, then the thread is closed.

    The bakery discussion has been ongoing for quite a while, and I'm sure there are others who'd like to weigh in with their thoughts. They may not notice it "up" in General Questions, hence the move.

    If you feel that a new bakery is required, "Update & Idea Pool" would be the best place to post it, but I am pretty sure it's been suggested once or twice before, so the developers would be well aware of the suggestion.
  7. And you forgot to answer OP's question, Mr. Cheesemeister :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: which I believe is very specific and can quickly get answered, exactly as you say in your General Question description. :D :D :D Let me repeat it just in case you overlooked that. :)

  8. I'm starting to wonder if marketplace prices aren't affected by our levels rather than by what others are selling products for. Buns, from my point of view are typically 120ish ...
  9. It's those aliens creating confusion to study human reaction. From my point of view buns do not exist at all ........... :D :D :D
    oddog and wildheart50122 like this.
  10. skb13

    skb13 User

    But if you consider that rolls/buns/bread item name of your choice are around 120, and that you need 8 to fulfill needs of one property, that's 1000 (or as near as makes no difference) CC you need to spend to meet its needs. Now calculate that you might get 220 CC revenue, and it's not worth it. Maybe for production points, but that's still pretty steep. Needless to say, I don't buy rolls.
    oddog likes this.
  11. oddog

    oddog User

    ???? not understanding your my game i have to have bread baskets to attain good revenue and fullfillment!! what do you mean about," giving production buildings in mystery packs or events is not in line with the current game philosophy as I understand it". i am not getting this?? what is the current game philosophy?
  12. It's quite simple, even though you may disagree:
    • BB: Yes you need Bread Baskets for complete revenue, but you don't actually need complete fulfilment revenue to keep upgrading. You can do completelly without BB. Really simple point. Nearly a wordplay on modifiers really. :)
    • Philosophy: This is just my theory formed based on observation of the game so I might be giving a meaning to something which was not intentional at all. It's nothing more then my understanding: Production power is in "controled zone" which serves the purpose of game progress speed limiter. Or put another way, too much production could actually ruin the game by ending it too soon or killing the market. So while residentials and commercials going "limitless" through "gifting" present no such risk, doing the same in case of productions would. It's just very simply put without going into all the relevant details (as there are other speed limiters co-operating with this one). Just a simple very general idea.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2014
  13. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    what norton is trying to say is, that he finds this particular feature of the game not very interesting,
    i say dont listen to him and join us in the battle for self-sustained city here:
  14. You're such a sweetheart ............... lol :)

    PS: Don't take on the role of my spokesman as you more often then not miss what I say .......... lol :D

    PS2: Need fulfillment is a lovely feature, I just never become a slave of it. :rolleyes: :p :rolleyes:
  15. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    i will gladly assume the fault for not learning enough english in school... but not being able to fulfill all the needs is in no way players fault.

    /me points to BP (fix it will ya?!)
  16. It's nobody's fault. It's just a feature of the game. You need to learn to prioritise. It's all there is to it. Like real life - you don't buy, don't do, don't support etc. everything there is available as you have limited resources of all types and you have to prioritise. So why should they fix what's not broken in the first place? Hm?

    Has it ever occured to you that just running everything at full throttle is absolutely boring and can hardly be called a smart game? It's actually things like this need to prioritise which add the edge to the game. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    Otherwise we are back at that vicious circle I described a few days ago, if you remember. :)
  17. I can still supply rolls, donuts and pizza dough to my citizens, but I have a very slow style of playing. :D

    There are many options, as other players have suggested:

    1) Buy at the market. - Right now, I wouldn't do it, because the prices of bakery products are crazy. I think we should behave like in real life. If it's too expensive, don't buy it!!!! I would love to see what happens if people stop buying those products. The price of the donuts is absolutely ridiculous!! :eek:

    2) It's not that you can't supply any of your Bread Baskets (BB), Pizza Palaces (PP) or Donut Shops (DS). - Just choose the ones that give you the best revenue.

    The Residential Needs Fulfillment FAQ is really good. There you can see how much revenue each commercial gives for each residential.
    For example, for standard buildings, BB revenue ranges between 100 (for Eco Friendly Row Houses) and 360 (for Towers Blocks). PP range is between 380 (for Condo Towers) and 520 (for Distinctive Hi-Rise). And finally, DS is between 540 (for Stylish Apartments) and 720 (for Studio Apartments).

    3) Use Xpresso to speed up your production. - With two regular events per week, the barrels at the coast and rewards from booster packs, City Hall, comet packs, and I'm sure I'm forgetting some other source, we have a constant flow of Xpresso, and you can use them wisely.

    You can combine all these options, and balance the output of your city.

    Also, you can choose to fulfill the needs of the buildings that give you City Credits, and when you need, the ones that give you Production Points or Education Points.

    Some players have been asking for more bakeries for a long time. I think it's a valid claim. But also I think there are other things you can do.

    All the "ingredients" are there. Choose how you build your city with what you have. Like in real life, you can't have everything. :p:D;)
  18. Akalima

    Akalima User

    And one of the rewards from the Winter Games event is....a Bakery!
    No more running out of buns, for a while ;)
    oddog and wildheart50122 like this.
  19. I can only say "wow" :D :D :D Now we all have to do it and then ask for it to be repeated. :) :) :)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  20. Sorry for the delay!
    Yes, I am confident a 4th bakery will eventually be made available.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
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