
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by oddog, Feb 10, 2014.

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  1. weisteizen

    weisteizen User

    for me personally the issue isn't about having how many bakeries,the issue is the bread basket for selling insane amount of norton said i wont build my another bakery till they decide to reduce the amount being sell or increase the amount being produce by if another 96 rolls would make any difference.
  2. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    Stage 8 give one.
  3. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    I agree that 96 rolls won't make much of a difference, but every added bakery will help. I have 4 bakeries already and need at least another 4-6 to be self sufficient. So I'll be adding each time they make one available.

    I presently have idled 17 of my nearly 70 high-rise buildings from receiving donuts, and all of my bread baskets are closed down as well. I was spending nearly a 1,000,000 city credits (or more) each day trying to keep up, ... I finally gave up.

    I wish I hadn't gone down the Metro Money route, ...period (nearly $2000US to date). I was a fool to do so, and It was a very big Big BIG mistake. To put it bluntly I feel RC screwed me royally, RC promoted and encouraged its players to buy as much of everything they wanted in the form of residential and commercial facilities, but have refused the additional manufacturing facilities to support such encouragement (mainly bakeries, with other issues quickly looming behind the bakery issue). No one in the gaming industry is this stupid, these manufacturing issues were engineered this way by design.

    Needless to say, I will not be purchasing any more METRO - MONEY what-so-ever until RC properly addresses the ENTIRE level-up issues for ALL manufacturing facilities, as they have for every thing else they encourage you to spend metro money on.

    To put it bluntly the gaming experience RC has created for the advanced players is nothing less than an ABSOLUTE JOKE.
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
  4. (in a southern accent) I, Abe Lincoln, hereby declare that Rising Cities must allow gamers to have more permits for bakeries because it is the right and just thing to do. There. Does that solve you're troubles?
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2014
  5. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    LOL. Let me think, .. Nope!
  6. weisteizen

    weisteizen User

    The problem isn't having not enough bread basket the problem is having not enough bakeries.We DON'T need more bread basket.Btw that make fell of my chair...:) good one bro.
  7. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    WOW, time tells the whole story. I now have seven (7) level#3 bakeries, and can only produce (in a 7.5 hr baking period) enough pizza dough to fill one (1) Pizza Palace a little over 1/2 full.

    What a miss calculation on BP's part!
  8. billyjim

    billyjim User

    rather than trying to bake all of your pizzas at once have you thought of doing a little at a time.
  9. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Hmmm, I got a 4th in the new Easter/Spring Event, all now at level 2. I do think the Market place is an intringent part of the game design, but that in itself is intriguing and deserves a thread of it's own :) No doubt my view will change as building needs requirements change. Currently I have one Donut shop - and at level 32 still have no requirement for it other than the +Mood it brings :( Guess it all depends on the priorities you put on upgrades.
  10. billyjim

    billyjim User

    Absoulutely correct your priorities are yours and there is no right or wrong way to approach the problems in the game. ;)
    Andrewjf likes this.
  11. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    And despite more bakeries, demand hasn't decreased and the price of baked goods has only increased along with everything else. The market isn't going to help this situation and neither will more, unevenly-distributed bakeries.
  12. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    I think you are eluding to upgrades of production facilities or the "Production Improvements" suggested elsewhere. I tend to like these suggestions better than "more" factories. As an experiment I have put up for sale some donuts at just below the average selling price. Two days later and they still remain unsold. This points to market irregularities based on IP address or that there is simply no demand for donuts.......
  13. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Indeed I am. :p

    Really? I'm selling pizza way above the average lately. Though it isn't all that surprising, in a way. Raspberries are the most economical good to provide, and wheat probably goes to rolls/hefeweizen for most, so donuts really aren't much good to make and are among the least profitable to sell, and obviously way too expensive to supply for needs. Though I'd think the demand for them would be high enough, my pizza dough is selling slower than normally lately too. Maybe people are realizing the futility, though the market has felt slow lately in general.
    nervo82 likes this.
  14. Andrewjf

    Andrewjf User

    Yep. I have mentioned in passing elsewhere that the Market is fascinating. I have three friends that can log onto my machine ( so Qld/Australia IP address) and have a 50% difference in the Market price of any particular goods. Give it ten minutes, log off and log back on, and the price for the same goods has dropped or raised by as much as 150%. Right here, right now, the average price of one Donut is 421 cc 'EACH'. Frankly that is completely insane. What is it with you?
  15. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    Sorry, but that won't work either. I start my pizzas ovens @ midnight and let then bake pizzas during my sleep time. All seven (7) bakeries can only produce enough pizza dough to fill one Pizza Palace 1/2 full. I have four (4) Pizza Palaces, ..if you do the math you can understand my dilemma.

    If you add Donut Shops and Bread Baskets to the mix, you now understand why BP is adding so many bakeries. They screwed up big time, and understand just how bad it is.
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