
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by gamgrrl, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. gamgrrl

    gamgrrl User

    We can never get enough rolls / bread. Might be a good idea to up the maximum output levels for the bakeries. Is this being considered?
  2. this has been discussed quite a few times moving this to the appropriate section.
  3. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    With some need fulfillment items, I have found it beneficial to purchase extra items from the marketplace when a large quantity is available at an extremely low price. For example: 1,000 rolls at 90 CC...not sure that I've ever actually purchased them that low, but I imagine you get the idea. I have able to meet needs for bread basket either by making items in my bakeries or purchasing them.

    I personally would like it if the production numbers were increased for some items in lumber mills or brickyards like beams and bricks...or that the production time for those items were decreased.
  4. More bread means obese population. Rather build some more jogging tracks. :)
    tpaintdoc05 and minnharry1 like this.
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I have all ready built all of the gyms I can afford. Just makes my citizens want to do more carb loading ergo want more bread.
    tpaintdoc05 likes this.
  6. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    its a hard battle between production and supply and most of the time you end up on the loosing side. all bakery goods bring more CC on market then as capitalist revenue.
    so maybe the question here is, why spend the effort to keep supply in your city... when you can earn more on the market, is it because you gain EP/PP from those homes whereas market only brings CC.. or is the little xp amount that revenue brings along with worth it...

    PS: whats up with the pink text? its hurting my eyes...
  7. Strange, but I always end up on winning side. :)
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  8. gamgrrl

    gamgrrl User

    I'm purchasing bread / rolls all the time - can't possibly make enough on my own to keep my city functioning. Which seems a shame :-(

    Btw - are others having a glitch in the marketplace - game freezes and times out before completion of sale?
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I do not mind buying in the market place the problem is as more people grow their cities and the demand for bread grows so does the price of bread. What is a poor Mayor to do?
  10. I'm a rich Mayor so I can't tell you. :)
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  11. MI.Calgon

    MI.Calgon User

    LOL nortoncommander! :D I'd consider myself a more moderate mayor than a rich one, but I don't want to tell all my 'trade secrets' either. :p I'll share some song lyrics instead. ♫ You gotta know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em. Know when to walk away and know when to run.....♪
    amaliagranata likes this.
  12. There's all kinds of riches. And I truly am rich Mayor. :)

    I can share my secrets freely. Another sign of riches. :)

    Well, most people don't get it anyway, so ......... :D :p :D
    MI.Calgon likes this.
  13. Simple: Your city (like mine) will at some point outgrow supply. However, I'm banking plenty of cash and like others, generally have to buy bread to maintain supply. Concentrate on your pizza dough and donut production and buy bread in bulk (when cheapest).
  14. gamgrrl

    gamgrrl User

    Thanks hawkeyes. I pretty much do that as is, just think it would be more satisfying to be able to bake enough bread to sustain my city.

    Let them eat cake?

    Na. I still lobby for increasing the bakeries bread/roll output!!!!
  15. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    the problem with increase production is that you will never have enough. i also advocate for more production or less supply need per house.
    But problem is what do we do if production is increased but we still manage to use more then we can posibily produce.. what then ask again for more?
    Maybe there is another solution to this. something that will work in the long run as well as now..
    Infinite number of production permits will break market. if everybody can produce as much as they want, noone will buy. some ppl might even overproduce just to sell. but we also need buyers to sustain the marketplace

    maybe we need a price regulation. something that keeps prices from booming up or sinking to low. this again raises another question, how much is to low and how much is to high. asking the same question to a level 10 player and level 50 player you might get a very big difference....

    i do agree production needs a look at but right now i got no solid solutions that will satisfy both parties...
  16. Not that I'm a big supporter of any substantial permanent production increase. But X-presso was a great tool to deal with this on individual basis. In some form it will be replaced with MM production instant finish. How well - future will show.

    There was also another suggestion in the past to play with this a bit. To develop for production facilities something similar to RI and Mastery which we have for Residentials. This could increase production temporarily for everybody (RI alternative) and over streach of time constantly for high level players (Mastery alternative).

    I like the RI and Mastery idea for production, but all this will have to vait till after money rework is established and tested. I think only then we will have some ground for further suggestion. This little trouble with the gap between X-presso taken and rework introduced is just a temporary issue and will be dealt with soon. :)
  17. I would like to see manufacturing buildings to be upgraded to level 4. Maybe something similar to residential process. I have millions of production points that cant be spent fast enough to keep up with production needs.
  18. gamgrrl

    gamgrrl User

    Like Chris, I have over 5 million production points waiting to be spent. But still not enough bread / rolls can be made. Bricks also seem short in supply / too few produced for my city's needs.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
  19. Bababandos

    Bababandos User

    Sorry, but excessive amounts of PP aren't a good argument for increased production, imo. Players with millions of PP have simply missed the point of changing workers' houses into capitalists' houses.

    I'm hesitant of promoting a possible level 4 for production buildings because of what upgrades are going to cost. E.g. I'm already not too excited about upgrading breweries from 2 to 3 because of the cost and number of materials.

    Like norton, I like the improvements idea, a lot actually. With them could come a variety of possibilities, higher production outcome, shorter production time, improvements that last for different time frames. It would also mean more 'interaction' within the game instead of just clicking start and later collect.

    Another possibility could be special production days, similar to what they have in other games. Or, similar to the Mega-XP day, a time frame of increased production when MM are bought. Although I don't necessarily favor these kind of 'put money in, get more out' ideas, they would at least be options.
  20. gamgrrl

    gamgrrl User

    Every building that's able to be Capitalist or Student, is done so in my city. The rest are occupied, by requirement, to Construction Workers, although some altering modifications with the building upgrades, to "workers" or "capitalist" may mean switching back once they've been maxed out... that'll be a pain in the neck to check through every building. I have many thousands of excess fruits and vegetables, but the bread production lags far behind, with large quantities purchased daily in the market to keep the city going. Bricks lag as well, but not as much as bread. The point of this being, it's not lack of PP that's keeping the bread baskets continually low. It's the inability of the bakeries to feasibly make enough bread.

    All the quirks in these follow up posts, I'm aware of, and still, for my game at least, I'm left begging the question - why not higher production volume in the bakeries for rolls / bread? Brewery production seems more evenly matched with city needs.
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2014
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