
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by gamgrrl, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. DAVE111116

    DAVE111116 User

    Yes i know that but, You don't get any need fulfillment revenue (PP,CC,EP)
  2. So? At least you get CC, if you don't want to give any foods or drinks to your citizens :)
  3. DAVE111116

    DAVE111116 User

    you get a lot more CC from capitalists when you do, most of my residents are capitalists.
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  4. wizardelo

    wizardelo User

    consider this: is it better to collect 3 rents = 2 without revenue and 1 with revenue or 1 rent + revenue? in the same time frame
    i believe right now you are working with my second assumption.
  5. Wiz, I think I know what you're saying (only because you and I have had this conversation), but I'm really not sure I'm following your words here. ????
  6. skb13

    skb13 User

    Consider you have a 2hr Comfy Apartment. Over a 12 hr period you could collect rent 7 times (at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12). Now consider that it gives about 500CC rent (at L3) and 500CC revenue. If you collect rent 7 times you get 3500CC rent and say just one lot of revenue = 4000CC.

    Or you could collect rent just once, when you know you'll get revenue, and you get just 1000CC. It doesn't cost anything to collect rent without revenue, so why not do it?
  7. I guess some iracional free choice aspect must come into play here. I don't understand the logic of such behaviour either, but can understand free personal choice based on not much logic without any problems. :)
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  8. Yeah. Personally, I like to make it faster than I spend it , which , for me, is no simple task! LOL! Therefore, I collect rent WITH revenue as often as I can!
  9. Well, a good economy reason can nearly always be found, if one is determined enough. :)

    What about this: My finger movement is so precious or energy consuming, that I'm not doing that rent-collection-click unless it gives me a specified CC/MM etc. amount. Below that it's not worth it. :D :D :D I never form it out like that and never applied it consistently, but upon consideration I realise I use this logic quite often......... Although a more down-to-earth and pragmatic person might call it simply "norton being lazy". :D :D :D
    wildheart50122 likes this.
  10. That's not so much of a "norton being lazy" ... it's more of a series of personal economic trade-off boundaries. If it doesn't seem like a worthwhile exchange for you, you don't do it. :)
  11. I am up to 20 million now they are all i seem to get from loot o matic.
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