Biker Lodge - Glitch

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Yoxa, May 4, 2016.

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  1. Yoxa

    Yoxa User

    Hello, so what's gonna be ???

    Am I suppose to accept, that from that bug occurred - my Biker Lodge gonna look like building site with scaffolding even I finished 2 lvl upgrade ???
    Is that it?

    I was upgrading Biker Lodge building,
    once it's finished "Key" sign appeared,
    so then I picked "Capitalists" and....
    building went to "building in progress" state
    when I hover it shows last stage of upgrade
    when I click to go inside it shows upgraded building
    with few strange things - like "ready to upgrade arrows up"
    next to empty bar... lol its a mess I would say...

    I did cleared my browser cash,
    reloaded few times but it stays wrong any way
    My ID: 8370524

    The location of building is right behind lowest "Brickyard" in the main City

    3 Days goes by and problem still there...

    thnx for your time
    Last edited: May 6, 2016
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Thank you for the information. If you could go in and edit your post with your ID # it will make it more easier for the Board Administrators to find your game and check on the problem. Thanks
  3. Yoxa

    Yoxa User

    Hello... anybody at home?
  4. G`day Yoxa, Has your problem now been resolved?
  5. Yoxa

    Yoxa User

    Hi, no it hasn't for many, many days now,....
    Nothing changed, all stays wrong as I have described at the top.
    So fix it plz, coz it looks like no one gives a damn crap about it...
  6. There is no need to be rude.
    Can you please fill out a support ticket on this matter and please also be very specific and precise as to what happens,
    when we do get your support request that will give us a lot of added information on your account as well.
    as soon as I receive you request we can start the process of trying to resolve your problem
    thread closed.
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