Birthday Event 2015

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by tassie-devil, Aug 26, 2015.

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  1. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    I finished event without using MMs in last stage (used earlier though). And i agree with Miss Candy, balance with collecting items and manufactured 1s (especially last stage - hats vs cakes) r needed. If i had collected all my hats, i think at least 1 other higher level player (or few lower level players) would have got his/her hats without collecting them him-/herself.

  2. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    One thing to consider is that as pumpkins and cakes have such a long production times, having relatively few drops means you don't need to log in as often, so it gives a sort of balance and fairness for those with less time. You can reasonably get all drops logging in only every cycle. Whether that is best is up for debate, but it isn't imbalanced in that respect. The Rock Festival is similar, but it could definitely use more tickets in comparison. More hats means more CC to spend, and there is no CC as remuneration. You spend over 100,000 CC easily on drops (which is pennies these days). You must consider many situations when balancing.

    I had enough love letters, bunnies, and candy to furnish the requirements many times over though, which does seem silly, sure. I'd rather have it that way than the opposite, however; waiting for random numbers to favor me.

    I finished it with several days to spare. I can say that at least the Palais Gelée (I don't think that is the word they wanted :rolleyes:) doesn't seem as blurry, despite the preview, as the Chateau Amor (not quite French, but it works too so maybe it was intentional) did, though I can't help but think it looks sharpened.
    MisterN68 likes this.
  3. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    Good points, Arsuru. Actually i logged in only when i needed to collect cakes and still got extra hats 2(i have some areas on coast and mountain, where i havent placed houses, filled with "free" roads and few squares:rolleyes:). Im not good in debating, but maybe i learn :cool:.
    I know that we all have a different style of play and im sure that developers do their best, but in a game like this its not easy (and almost impossible) to make it suitable 4 every individual player.

  4. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    The 'Birthday Event' for prizes is a joke!

    But this event does has it's advantages for 'Level 4 Challenge Requirements' from 'Weekly Quest Drop Items'. I presently have 35,000 Love Letters, which brought many of my residential buildings through this grueling Quest Drop Challenge!
    Last edited: Sep 5, 2015