Feedback Birthday Event 2016

Discussion in 'Game Discussions & Feedback' started by tassie-devil, Aug 5, 2016.

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  1. G`day Mayors,
    Here you can leave your feedback on this years birthday event, this event will be the same as 2015 with one exception. the birthday cake has been replaced with a new residence.
  2. birthday_residential_2016_03.png level one.png

    a sneak peak at our new house
  3. COOL nice love the birthday event ! nice looking house . how about a Olympic event too this year .
  4. Noukicity

    Noukicity User

    I hope this house can be placed in the mountains
  5. billyjim

    billyjim User

    most likely not. But we will have to wait and see. Once they announce the specifics for the birthday residence.
  6. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Is it me, or is the FAQ completely messed up? Production overviews, I can't make sense of. How am I suppose to make 8280 cakes with a max output of 120 per bakery. Or even worse, 13800 (!) pumpkins with a max output of 120 per farm. I would like to do the math, before I even consider starting the event.

    And the drop items seems to be huge quantities too. 1150 letters + 2070 bunnies + 2760 sweets (and probably) 2070 hats, 8050 drop items, never seen that high before.
  7. I have checked out the requirements and they are the same as last year :)
  8. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    I agree, the FAQ is not aligned properly. Could be a lot better
    You produce 240 cakes per level 3 bakery and 240 pumpkins per level 3 farm
    And in my recollecton the drop-items came very fast
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    This is a once a year event. It should be a bit tougher to do than an ordinary weekly event.
  10. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    I agree with you, but the rewards are a huge let down. Usually, there are three kinds of rewards including XP, but not for this one. I think that's the reason they replaced the houses, because otherwise it might only be us, the newbies who'd played the event to get the special building. Now I'm loosing out on another special building- only because I started this game too late. :(
  11. the drop items come fast because they come from all residents. so that part is easy.
  12. MisterN68

    MisterN68 User

    They should have replaced some of the other rewards as well. I already have trouble placing my 29 Coal-Fired Power Plants (size 3x3, mood -250, power + 450).
    1 Coal Plant could be replaced by 4 Solar Power plants (1 plants data: size 1x1 (easier to place), mood -5 and power +125). So 4 plants has only mood loss of -20 but gives 50 points more power than Coal plant (+500 (4 Solar Power Plants), + 450 (1 Coal power plant).

    Beer garden is good, but i could use 1 or more bread baskets. Also id take a palm tree instead of red tulips (Im on level 54).

    Last edited: Aug 9, 2016
  13. Cotewa

    Cotewa User

    How much time do we have to complete?
  14. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Tuesday, August 9th at 2 pm (CEST / UTC +2) and will run until August 18th at 10 pm (CEST / UTC + 2). [from the official announcement]

    Still, assuming I have the right quantities you can make with 1 farm/bakery, it's still a huge task. Pumpkins need 8 full runs with 8 farms, 6 hours per run. That's already 48 hours of pumpkin making, assuming you put your bed next to your computer and set the alarm clock to wake up every 6 hours. Realistically, 2 full runs is ok per day, means 4 days of pumpkin making out of the 9 days the event runs.

    Cakes (with 8 bakeries I got) need 5 full runs, again 6 hours per run. That's ~3 days of cake making.
    Roses (with 8 farms) need 5 full runs, 4 hours per run. If possible, that takes 2 days.
    Mistletoes and gingerbread could be done in a day.
    Totals 4 + 3 + 2 +1 = 10 days. Shame.

    We're not all stay at home mom/dad's or unemployed! This event is not possible to do for me. Shame again.
  15. BigWillem1

    BigWillem1 User

    9 days (216 hours)
  16. If you have som spare MM which i have been saving for a event like this you can use the MM in the early part of the event which will maybe cut over a day off the time, then the event is realistically achievable
  17. anoukjoris

    anoukjoris User

    I've collected all the loveletters I need, but still no roses ready:(
    Noukicity likes this.
  18. garry58

    garry58 User

    Pumpkins Pumpkins for days and days oh pumpkins!
  19. billyjim

    billyjim User

    And still more pumpkins. Will these darn things ever grow
  20. _joker1974

    _joker1974 User

    Told ya so...