Birthday event

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by momEva, Aug 15, 2014.

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  1. momEva

    momEva User

    I read that a technical glitch prevented champagne awards this year, OK -- I cannot say I am not disappointed, but I can see where doing that large an event every year might cause issues.

    However, am I the only one who is just plain underwhelmed by the event itself? Definitely NOTHING like what I expected for any celebration.

    The first 3 steps are OK. I really liked getting another beer garden, but a Duplex? (really?? for a special event??) The rewards are average for a normal event, far less than for most special events. Plus it requires a LOT longer to complete. Level 4, in particular will take me 3 days to complete. The candy is almost done in just a few hours, but the pumpkins are going to take me 3 days as a minimum (IF all goes well.. and I am going to miss most of one day, meaning just one harvest that day). Did I mention that I have 8 ranches, all level 4?

    I will probably complete level 4, not sure about getting the Fondant Palace. ( have 3 from last year).
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