birthday event

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Lideczka676, Aug 1, 2017.

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  1. When will be the birthday event?
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    We have not heard anything, yet. We are still hopeful. We shall let you know as soon as we find out.
  3. garry58

    garry58 User

    Maybe this years birthday event is giveaway prices in the marketplace
  4. harley9883

    harley9883 User

    A Chinese Gaming concern bought out BP last year for 80M Euros. I think they're revamping many of the games that had issues, RC being one of them. They are definitely addressing the ridiculous prices many building materials and commodities had risen to.

    Some think it's a bug or a hack going on here. But a simple evaluation says it's neither, as the only issue at hand, is confined to the Marketplace only. As an IT guy, I can assure you, if this was NOT intentional by RC (BP) {new Chinese Owners}, they could have disabled the 'Marketplace Button' at any time, to put a stop to it. But this has not happened, which says a lot!

    I've written about this many times. Even predicted this would eventually happen, that the game would lose market share because of the manufacturing deficiencies within the game itself. Such deficiencies kept the game from being able to function properly. I credit these new owners for finally addressing the biggest issue in this game, especially if you want new players.

    I'm presently buying anything that is dirt cheap, to average-down my costs of 7000cc bricks, 11000cc checkered tiles, roof tiles, potatoes, wheat, etc., etc.

    My suggestion to anyone who's interested is to do the same, as this fire sale will eventually come to an end!

    Happy Gaming
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2017
    Lideczka676, Jamerica and garry58 like this.
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