Boats Ahoy? Ocean Expansion?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Apr 20, 2015.

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Should there be more (residential) "boat"/ocean permits, to fill the open waters?

Poll closed Oct 20, 2015.
  1. Yes, there are too few residential boat/ocean permits; we need more types & permits.

  2. No, the boat permits we have are sufficient.

  3. Other (Please state what in a reply to the post)

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  1. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    The thing is, not everyone actually wants to build to the limits just because. I don't. For people like that, there is variety is in permit choice. Like I said, people that want to fill every square will anyway. More permits just makes it marginally cheaper/faster, unless they don't want them. A lot of people dismissed most of the new land-based buildings with the coast because they were low-density.

    And with limited space, it forces choice. I do want more space, but only so I can increase variety/aesthetics and fit newer buildings. I won't build more than a set number of any building. Buildings are the core of the game so variety there can't hurt. New designs, stats, footprints, etc. Most of the variety is in aesthetics rather than just cramming things in. RC is pretty much a city-themed dollhouse.
    Geflin likes this.
  2. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Thank you, exactly my point. Well put Arsuru.
  3. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I know this is completely off subject. So everyone please forgive me. Krassandra: What type of variety would you like to see? If it is a long list start a new thread I would love to see your ideas. :)
    Geflin likes this.
  4. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Yes..I too would like to see Krassandra's ideas. I believe she might have some pretty good ones :) Please know your ideas are welcome here too, Krassandra ;)
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