Bonus Code for Log In Problems?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Geflin, Jan 10, 2015.

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Should We Get a Bonus Code for the Log In Problems?

Poll closed Jan 17, 2015.
  1. Yes, rounded out to replace expended resources in events we couldn't finish because of it.

  2. Yes, whether or not we were doing an event, because of lost rent, cinema MM, etc.

  3. Yes: taking both of the above, and player happiness into account, a NICE bonus code package.

  4. No, problems happen, and are to be expected, no need for a bonus code to be given.

    0 vote(s)
  5. Other (add your "other" as a reply comment)

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. Geflin

    Geflin User

    So, I noticed lots of players mentioning events unfinished due to recent log in well as expended time, resources (PP, MM, CC, materials, etc). I myself have mentioned this several times. I am confident many of us have thoughts about this, and rather than see them scattered throughout the forum I believe it would be better to get it all in one place so the mods can forward it to the team. I figured a poll to be the best way.

    I myself think bare minimum there should be a package that replaces expended resources. Would like to see it go farther and compensate for new events we could not start (when you miss out on things like Epic RIs that give you +40% rent, couple hundred MM and several 100K CC's, it hurts)...not to mention rent and MM we could not collect, the daily gifts (Winter Stadium, City Hall, X-Mass tree, Cinema).

    A nice package would include, in my opinion: PP, MM, materials generally expended on events like beams/bricks or an equivalent value of MM or CC, . Would be nice to get a sorry and thank you (like a Mystery Building permit, or a special residential of the gold background ones). Would be really nice if they gave us a special building that really kicked out the rent and needs revenue, but differed from all the others (design a new one, say a "Boarding House" where all us RC players 'live' could be a nice old style building, with a high number of residents and thus high rent and needs revenues). Anyhow, would love to hear thoughts and see votes...and hope there is enough response to warrant the mods sending it to the team:D By the way, I do feel the need to point out the mods and the team have been working very hard to fix the issues and they should be appreciated and thanked for that regardless of whether or not we feel a bonus code should be given to us.
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
  2. scotch1

    scotch1 User

    Not to be a downer here, but for compensation to occur there would have to be an acknowledgment that an issue ever occurred.
    Big Points and Rising Cities have never admitted or acknowledged that there has been any issue. So far the log in issues have been because A. you upgraded or moved a building which caused a need for a data reset, B. Your cache and cookies need deleted and you need to check your java is current.

    At no time has Big Points or Rising Cities ever stated there was an issue No Face Book posting or Tweet from their Official Pages . No Issue No compensation.

    I hope I am wrong.
  3. Kiriana

    Kiriana User

    Well, I agree there needs to be something to compensate players who could not finish their events because they couldn't get into the game to play. For many players this meant a lot of wasted production points, material goods, and even metro money if they used that to finish stages or production runs. Especially true if they really needed the prizes (like a commercial building permit, or power source permit or some such). While it would be nice to be thrown a bone for the frustration of not playing all these days, I think the main focus ought to be those who were doing events. I say "Other" because it would be nice to see BP/RC throw us all something, but if they want to do so am sure they can figure out what to give us. So it's an overall yes, but focus on replacement of wasted resources/lost prizes, and if you give a little more than that then I thank you no matter what the bonus extra is. It would be enough to know you care about your players enough to do the right thing.
  4. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Ummm....actually, while I agree there could have been a clearer statement made regarding the current state of the log in issues, I have been trying to get the information out that the likely problem has been a communication conflict between the servers in Germany and the US and EN servers. I had a computer technician look into it, and provided screenshots with the coding errors in a support ticket of my own. Received email confirmation the team had figured out there was a server issue, and that the data I provided was forwarded to the team. Not saying I fixed anything or that what I discovered was all of the problem. Just saying they are now working on far more than just resets, etc. Hence the reason I felt this poll and discussion was warranted. So, in effect, they have acknowledged there was an issue ;) Hope this encourages you.
    piche413 likes this.
  5. well thing is I still can't log in. ID 8766353
  6. This is the wrong area to post for this problem TQ is where you should be posting
  7. Geflin

    Geflin User

    If you still can't log in, post in Technical Questions or better yet submit a support ticket. Your issue may or may not be the one I mentioned, or may well be a cache problem, etc. Was simply saying a likely source of the overall problem had been isolated and the team knew of the problem and is working to fix it...and that the mods also have worked hard to fix these errors. But also only mentioned that here to encourage scotch1 to vote and express his opinion regarding the bonus code idea (here). If we mix up a load of "still can't log in" posts, the less likely a message of "this many players voted this way regarding a possible bonus code" is to make it to the teams. Not saying you don't have a legitimate concern, just saying tassie-devil is correct.
  8. Mr.Crowley

    Mr.Crowley User

    I would like to see something for all the time lost and resources lost, and still losing out on.( can't log in without supports help each time I play) because I should have given in and just moved on by now. True I have looked at other city games but I do like this one. But can't go on forever with out getting better soon and a little candy would keep me hooked as long as a support team will keep putting me back in each time. lol
  9. billyjim

    billyjim User

    I am not voting because it is ridiculous for us to demand something for nothing. The majority of players have not had an issue with this it appears to be mostly the US and UK players effected. So issuing a bonus code to compensate them would be unfair to the others. Now would it be a nice move on BP part yes, but should we expect one no. I know this will fly in the face of this thread but that is my opinion.
    Geflin likes this.
  10. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Au contraire my friend, it does NOT fly in the face of this thread. In fact, it pretty much states why there is a "No" vote among the offered choices. I applaud you for openly stating your thoughts and opinions (and not saying I even disagree with what you say...because I agree we should not expect this, but that it would be a nice move on the part of BP/RC). Honestly, I would be disappointed if we didn't hear all sides ;) Thank you for the input.
  11. piche413

    piche413 User

    Day 8 not being able to log in. Lost MM from Cineplex and city hall. Events not being able to play(experience points). Experience points, city credits, production points and student points for academy and specialists while collecting rent. Not including gifts from the Christmas tree. By now I would have been able to upgrade my 4th bakery to level 3. Would also have been well on my way to finish level 44. So do think I was right for voting YES?
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2015
  12. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    Well, it's like how they reran the winter event. Those who had no problems got to do it again anyway, just like when you can do it again when you change level requirements. Perhaps unfair, but what can you do? It's unfair one way or another. It'd be really tedious to verify each person individually. It's just the kind of loss they should be prepared to take as a company to save face, since this problem can put a bad image on those unaffected by it anyway.

    There are more unfair things in the game than a bonus code awarding those that have no problems. It's also possible that the servers having the problems aren't theirs but simply being rented, so even if they know the problem it could take longer than it should.
  13. TCRooster

    TCRooster User

    Well, I appear to have received my bonus - now that I can finally log in my ERS is finally working so I can merrily fire lots of employees :p. It would be nice to be compensated but it will never happen.
    TellusXIV likes this.
  14. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Thanks to all who took the time to vote, or at least to comment. Had hoped for a wider response, but am grateful for the input given. I'd bet a lot of players were too frustrated by the whole thing to hang around in forum for the weeks it took to get RC fixed. I do think the poll does accurately reflect the overall opinion of the players in general (kind of a mini-slice view). Hope the mods will pass this on to the team for us.
  15. Loricsg

    Loricsg User

    I would have voted, but did not see the survey in time. Some kind of remuneration really should be made, and I would've selected "Yes: taking both of the above, and player happiness into account, a NICE bonus code package." as did the majority of voters.

    I did send a support ticket in with a specific request to be reimbursed for the 17 days I lost paying for the rent collector, and also for any MM I spent in the immediately preceding 3-4 days, since that was an effort to complete a challenge. I was told -
    "any and all compensation is being determined and made by management" and "if we repay one single account we must do this for everyone. Since it cannot be done on a system wide basis (every account has a different rent timer) that would take years of work and is simply not feasible."
    Though the rent timer is just a couple of bucks, it doesn't feel good to be told that your request for a refund on services you paid for and didn't received is essentially going to be ignored. :( I'm pretty disappointed.
    TellusXIV likes this.
  16. Geflin

    Geflin User

    The response they gave you is exactly why I suggested a Bonus Code: it can be balanced enough that even if we are talking a rent collector or expended MM that would be compensated for. Say 100 MM as part of the package, along with PP and some construction materials and CCs; or maybe a special residence permit that eventually would more than compensate for lost revenues and materials. Perhaps the mods would point out for us this easy fix for the variety of/number of individual accounts they are otherwise balking at fixing.
  17. So it looks like we won't begetting no bonus codes then. That just not right.
  18. i think we need to have a little more patience, if i remember correctly the last time we were given something from one of their problems it took a few weeks for it to happen
    as lorisq said up there
    I did send a support ticket in with a specific request to be reimbursed for the 17 days I lost paying for the rent collector, and also for any MM I spent in the immediately preceding 3-4 days, since that was an effort to complete a challenge. I was told -
    "any and all compensation is being determined and made by management" and "if we repay one single account we must do this for everyone. Since it cannot be done on a system wide basis (every account has a different rent timer) that would take years of work and is simply not feasible.
  19. Geflin

    Geflin User

    I agree with skippyroo we could be more patient. I also think the mods could help us out a bit here by passing on to the team that (a) players missed this poll who would have voted consistent with the majority and (b) a bonus code would accommodate a "system wide basis" without years of work, as long as there was a MM component that could be used to renew Rent Collectors and/or compensate for MM spent on events. What we can do to help make such happen is (a) be patient and (b) openly express our thoughts here in hopes the mods will pass just that sort of thing on.
  20. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    I serious doubt consumer rights in Germany are so extremely weak that a company can say: yeah we failed to do our part of the deal but our staff have better things to do then refunds to customers, so thought luck.
    As they refuse to pay one on one basis I assume they will hand out a code.
    The lost rent collector time alone is more then 500MM so it should be something really good.
    Geflin likes this.
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