Bonus Token?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SnakeLady38, Jan 23, 2016.

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  1. When i logged on just now it said i received a bonus token. I can't find it nor do i know what it is or does.
  2. G`day SnakeLady,
    At this time there Have not been any bonus tokens issued, when this does occur there is normally an announcement in the official announcements section.
    Is there anything else that we can help you with on this topic :)
  3. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

  4. No that's it thanks...must have been a mistake?
  5. I thought they were called tickets not tokens. No it didn't give me one but thanks.

    No that's it, thanks.
    Last edited by moderator: Jan 24, 2016
  6. Arsuru

    Arsuru User

    The terminology varies between what some people say and what the game displays, but in-game they are called tokens (though obviously look specifically like tickets). I assumed you may have gotten one from your city hall after logging in, but if it really happened as soon as you logged in, sometimes you'll get credited MM for watching an ad in the cineplex, but much delayed, usually when you log in again, and it will just pop-up the normal window. It's hard to imagine what else it could be in that case, other than perhaps the news screen.

    For future reference, you can reply to multiple people in one post by clicking reply on each one, and you can edit your posts. Many posts in a row is generally against the rules.
  7. Thanks Arsuru for your help on this :)
    Nothing further closed
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