Boulder, Land Expansion and Quest system Rework!

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by -Wizz-, Mar 6, 2014.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Hello Mayors,

    We got some new changes in Rising Cities and we will present you the Boulder, Expansion and Quest system rework:

    Boulder rework
    • Boulders (not event obstacles) can spawn only once per day, this includes: underbrush, trees, rocks, driftwood, barrels.
    • There will be no additional spawns (not event obstacles), if a player has not logged in for 2 or more consecutive days.
    • All boulders can be removed from the field in one click:
      • Rocks will be removed completely with one step instead of 3.
      • The awarded resources will be summed up and be the same as before.
    • The costs are displayed in a field info layer:
      • If you don’t have the needed amount of CC, the info layer contains a crossed-out-CC-sign.
    • No confirmation layer is required anymore, after the removal time has passed the boulder is removed automatically.
    • The XP and resources are granted upon removal.
    • Every boulder-removal timer is set at 10 seconds:
      • This also includes event obstacles.
      • The spawn rate for event obstacles will stay the same, and will therefore not be changed.

    Land Expansion rework
    • This feature will be unlocked at level 4.
    • All Residentials and decorations that are gained by unlocking expansions will be visible from start on.
    • The “?” signs will are replaced by the real buildings.
    • New special building is added on a land expansion tile.
      • This building will be given to players that have already purchased this land expansion already, for free.

    Quest system Rework
    • Quest system changes:
      • The layout of the quest-layer has been changed.
      • Rewards for several quests have been improved.
      • Several quests can now be finished with Metro Money.
      • Some quests have parallel tasks, that can be solved in any order.

    Your Rising Cities Team.
  2. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

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