Bread basket upgraded on its own

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by maceta55, Feb 2, 2014.

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  1. maceta55

    maceta55 User

    Hi there,

    I write you because one of my bread baskets has been upgraded today with metro money when I simply wanted to refill it. I was saving the metro money for other projects and it had taken me quite a while to get to this amount plus I don't really need this bread basket to its full capacity (I have issues getting enough bread anyway to feed all my hungry citizens...). Would it be possible to downgrade it and get the metro money back? It is the one that is empty now.

    Much appreciated,

    rperalta | ID 2683679
  2. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    I am really sorry but although I can remove buildings I have no way to downgrade a building once upgraded.
    Our coders never thought to include this in the program...:(:(:(
  3. maceta55

    maceta55 User

    Oh, what a pity! I thought it was possible... :oops: Thanks a lot for replying, PirateLee ;). It would actually be a nice feature to have... I have already had this problem in the past a few times (some of my Hollywood dinners got upgraded with metro money when I clicked on them once), but now I was really close to getting the 90 notes I needed for the small island I wanted. I guess I'll have to start saving again :confused:
  4. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    We have asked for some changes to this part of the game and they are coming very soon to avoid this sort of issue.

    Thanks for your understanding.
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