Bug fixes and changes for this week.

Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by -Wizz-, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    We decided to kick out the Buffs from the Game. The buffs will be no longer purchasable, every user needs to use his buff until the 31.07.2013. Otherwise the buffs will be deleted!
    The reason is, that we will work on a feature, where we will include the ideas from the community.

    New Display on the startpage
    Now you will get a message at the input field “Username” and “Password” when you have a typo.

    We apologize to you, but we adjusted the price for beams/trusses/roof joist in the market.
    This was a quick decision, because we had the wrong price in the market before.
    So sorry again, that we don’t gave you the information earlier.
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