Bugs and stability of the game

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by T.STARK, Feb 19, 2019.

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  1. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    I see many users report problem with loging to the game after mood/energy levels problem.
    I sill monit that levels and I see, when I use beautyful upgrades to the buildings, after ending of them energy/mood left unchanged. In longer time that causes possibility to make Energy/mood levels going to zero or less (?) and finally crash the game.
    I'am slowly going to that situation (my energy/mood level is less and less) so I'am asking will my game crash then also and can you fix it?
    I have report my wrong Energy/mood levels to the Support of the game, but they never changed them.
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    I can not answer for support. A few people have mentioned this situation and the problem has always been resolved by resetting the game resources by the moderators. When this occurs the Power and Mood levels are reset to the level with out the "ghost" adjustments caused by the temporary improvements. I can think of two or three players that ask us to reset their games on a fairly regular basis so these issues do not happen.
  3. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    I understand that you can't answer for the suport - I don't blame you.
    I think that "ghost" adjustments is wrong name for them - I can remove them and put the new ones in every place. I think the problem is wrong script.
    I also don't see a point to reset the game, if there is no problem with loging.
    Thank you for your answer and if there will be a problem with start the game I will let you know.
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    You are probably correct about the term "ghost". The situation is that when the improvement expires; The improvement values do not go away, they keep accumalating till they cause issues. This usually takes years to occur. Have fun with your city.
  5. T.STARK

    T.STARK User

    Thank you, take care.
  6. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    You are more than welcome. I am closing this thread at this time.
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