Building game

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Evilviper, May 8, 2017.

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  1. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    OK, lets see if this game works in the forums
    The full point is to get as high as you can in each upgrade
    the cost of each upgrade depends on the level.
    You must have the necessary ingredients to upgrade what you post you are upgrading.
    To earn ingredients, you must post +1 clay, +1 iron, +1 timber, or +1 gold.
    You can not post more than 1 time in a row.
    Here is an example
    (Evilviper:+1 clay, total clay=1, total iron=0, total timber=0, total gold=0)
    (bob: +1 clay, total clay=1, total iron=0, total timber=0, total gold=0)
    (Evilviper: +1 clay ,total clay=2, total iron=0, total timber=0, total gold=0)

    Upgrades cost resources acquired yet allow you to acquire more resources faster
    All players begin with everything at level 0, so each post is only worth 1 of the chosen resource until buildings are upgraded.
    You must state that you are spending your resources to level up a building.

    Level 1 clay= 2 clay per post. (costs 10 clay, 10 timber, 10 iron)
    level 2 clay= 3 clay per post ( costs 30 clay, 20 timber, 20 iron)
    level 3 clay= 4 clay per post (costs 60 clay, 40 timber, 40 iron)
    level 4 clay= 5 clay per post (costs 80 clay, 50 timber, 50 iron)
    level 5 clay= 6 clay per post (costs 150 clay, 75 timber, 75 iron, 25 gold)
    level 6 clay= 7 clay per post (costs 200 clay, 100 timber, 100 iron, 50 gold)
    level 7 clay= 8 clay per post (costs 250 clay, 125 timber, 125 iron, 75 gold)
    level 8 clay= 9 clay per post (costs 300 clay, 150 timber, 150 iron, 100 gold)
    level 9 clay= 10 clay per post ( costs 350 clay, 175 timber, 175 iron, 125 gold)
    level 10 clay= 15 clay per post (costs 500 clay, 250 timber, 250 iron, 250 gold)
    Iron and timber upgrades work the exact same, yet they cost more of what they add per post.
    For example, when upgrading iron, it will cost the same amount of timber and clay, but it will cost more iron.
    Gold is the only exception to this rule
    level 1 gold= 1 gold per post (costs 50 clay, 50 timber, 50 iron 50 gold)
    level 2 gold= 2 gold per post (costs 75 clay, 75 timber, 75 iron, 75 gold)
    level 3 gold= 2 gold per post (costs 100 clay, 100 timber, 100 iron, 100 gold)
    level 4 gold= 2 gold per post (costs 150 clay, 150 timber, 150 iron, 150 gold)
    level 5 gold=5 gold per post (costs 250 clay, 250 timber, 250 iron, 250 gold)
    level 6 gold= 5 gold per post (costs 350 clay, 350 timber, 350 iron, 250 gold)
    level 7 gold= 5 gold per post (costs 500 clay, 500 timber, 500 iron, 300 gold)
    level 8 gold= 10 gold per post (costs 1000 clay, 1000 timber, 1000 iron, 1000 gold)
    level 9 gold= 15 gold per post (costs 1500 clay, 1500 timber, 1000 iron, 1500 gold)
    level 10 gold= 25 gold per post (costs 2500 clay, 2500 timber, 2500 iron, 2500 gold)
    players are allowed to trade resources to other players.
  2. Evilviper

    Evilviper User

    1 clay
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