building problem

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TCRooster, Feb 2, 2014.

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  1. TCRooster

    TCRooster User

    My user Id 7531624

    At the top of my playfield there is an energy efficient row house, that I built today and have collected rent from 3 times, but it is still showing as being under construction. I have moved it around, cleared my cache and flash cache and still happening. Any suggestions?
  2. you could try putting it in your inventory that might help :)
  3. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Your building is now complete, it looks like you had a bunch of tradespeople hiding behind the "men at work" sign pretending to be working. had a code log jam which is now fixed....:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
  4. TCRooster

    TCRooster User

    Thanks Skippy and Pirate, the building is okay now:)
    You may close this.
  5. PirateLee

    PirateLee Guest

    Good to hear.:D
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