
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by doormouse, Apr 18, 2015.

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  1. doormouse

    doormouse User

    is there any way we can rotate houses or buildings if not is there a chance you could look into letting us do that :D please
  2. billyjim

    billyjim User

    No we can not rotate buildings. We, the mayors, have requested this several times before. The explanation we have been given that it would take to many resources and expense to design and upgrade the structures to be viewable from all sides. Maybe one day in the future.
    candyboopg and qwertz111 like this.
  3. Geflin

    Geflin User

    Something I have found very useful and effective in communicating the value of players' ideas to the devs: create a thread with an attached poll in the Idea & Update forum. Explain what you think is a good idea, and ask players to vote and comment. This puts a lot more potential player input on the same topic in one place, and thus makes it easier for the mods to share it with the devs; as well, if a particular idea gets enough votes and comments, it may help tip the balance when an idea will require extensive time or resources to implement. I think the idea of rotation of houses is a good one, but to get the devs' attention it should be expressed as more than an aesthetic desire. For example: rotation ability means skilled players could get more houses fit together near needs revenue commercial buildings without losing as much space to roads and decorations. This translates to extra space to build on, which then translates to more (potential) MM purchases for additional building permits and special building permits. Thus, if enough players agree with that reasoning, BP is presented with a potential benefit to the company if the necessary resources are allocated to implement this particular change. I have found when ideas have been presented in this way, we have eventually seen (many) of them bear fruit (take, for example, the new house and other changes in the Easter event). Hope you find this information helpful...happy gaming :)
    candyboopg likes this.
  4. Good Evening,

    I think so to that there should be a way in making the house rotate because it is annoying;) and something has to be done about it devs ;(
    I think you may a have a point about rotating sir. :)

    Your Sincerely,


    Captain123456 | ID 9168786
  5. Martialus5

    Martialus5 User

    I agree, rotating a house should be made possible!
  6. delisha

    delisha User

    i also agree with this....
    and also....they will look beautiful also,if we will rotate according to our need
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2015
  7. piche413

    piche413 User

    I also like the idea because when you want to place a building around a brickyard, brewery or any other building for that matter it would be nice to place it in any orientation that you would like.:rolleyes:
  8. I also like the idea of the buildings being able to rotate.
  9. coop77

    coop77 User

    I agree. I would like to rotate the buildings
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