"Burbs exp and beach glitch

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by concretejungle, Apr 24, 2014.

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  1. Mayor concretejungle - ID6812611

    Hi all,

    I have a glitch on the above as my safety view button is grayed out on the Burbs and beach saying when i reach level 10 and built the fire station i can access the safety view , however i am aware that this does not apply to the beach as yet.
    The fire station is already on level 3 upgrade and I am on level 30.
    Also are the "Clouds" going to be removed from the city to the burbs ?
  2. There are no emergencies on the beach or in the burbs. Ignore the message - it's the default message for the greyed out button, but is not applicable in these playfields.
  3. Many thanks strider_legs for the info.

    Regards concretejungle
  4. Artisan

    Artisan Team Leader Team RisingCities

    In order to keep our forum organization, old threads need to be moved to Archive. They will be available there for you to reread whenever you need.

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