
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by daniel23492, Dec 5, 2013.

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  1. As our cities grow wider and more and more people live in our cities, i think it would be nice to see a couple of buses circling around the city on a designated route (why not, bus stations - which we could put them where we want - and a garage).
    Feel free to add your ideas about this topic.
  2. I like the idea of buses, Taxi's too would be good to see. Just a little variety along with the cars.

    St.AnniesBay | ID 1863354
  3. Hipshot

    Hipshot User

    I've got cars, motorcycles and those lemans stripped racing cars running around town. Buses and taxis would be a nice addition.
  4. sleepylee

    sleepylee User

    I totally agree with you Daniel,having a bus service with a Bus Station and Bus stops available to add to the City a jolly beezer idea. Also it would give your citizens somewhere to get out of the way of Cars and Motorcycles and avoid being run over which i have watched happening on many occasions.
    Baking in Hakin.
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