buying extra mm

Discussion in 'FAQs' started by mayor.david, Jan 26, 2014.

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  1. First the cineplex became an issue - players outside the US seem only to be able to watch one movie a day and earn 1 mm. Now I am trying to buy extra mm using my mobile but the options have changed and I can't do this using my mobile anymore. This is annoying. I am not prepared to use my Visa for this.
  2. I just double-checked and the option is still there, albeit a little bit more expensive than using your debit/credit card.

    Log on to your city.
    Click the + icon next to your MM.
    It will bring up a list of options, including the various MM payment options.
    Click on the MM pack you'd like to purchase
    "Go to payment"
    It will then list out the various payment methods that are available to you including the "cell phone" option.

    If that is not the case for you, please let us know and we will look into it for you.
  3. pirate60

    pirate60 User

    I cannot get to the payment page,it keeps coming up with error reports.this is the 3rd day now.Reported this once already,got no reply.Que pasa hombres?
  4. Payment options are different for different people. Can you check whether it does the same for all MM choices, or are you always trying the same one? I'll pass this on to the rest of the team.
  5. pirate60

    pirate60 User

    It is doing it on all of them.I am on chrome,so I tried it explorer as well and got the same result.I really want to take advantage of the % off offer and now the time is nearly over.Is there another way I can do this?
  6. Could you try again, please - I believe it is working better now.
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