Can you do events twice?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by greenchelonia, Dec 23, 2013.

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  1. I finished the winter event rather early. When I go to the screen that shows available events, it is still available. Can you do the event again? Could it have something to do with my level? I went from 14 to 15. Could I do it again and receive the second level group of prizes?
  2. bobcities

    bobcities User

    yes you can because you do level 8-14 and than they is another level for event on level 15-20(which is what i am on) and then level 20-25 and then level 25+
  3. Lucky you! Go for it. :) You get two ginger bread houses. :)
  4. Do you think I will get very far? I've read the drop rate of higher levels is slower.
  5. TellusXIV

    TellusXIV User

    I don't think its slower but you will need more of them.
    It will be harder but the time on this event is quite long so if I was you I would go for it. If you fail/quit the last few steps you still get a bunch of goodies and I don't think you will fail.
    Here you can see if you think you can do it and what rewards you can get
    Event FAQ
  6. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Thank you all for answering.
    Please let us know if we can help more in this matter.
  7. No, thank you Wizz. Everyone has been such a great help. You may close NFQ.

    BTW I am going for a second round and I have made it to the grapes. By the end of today I hope to have the event completed!

    I find it funny that Rising Cities does events this way. The level of the player is taken into account. I suggested it in the Farmerama forum and quite a few players said it was impossible. It apparently is not impossible and works quite well. I absolutely love that and I am excited to continue playing this game. The goals in events are attainable, and, most of all, fair! Love it.
    MI.Calgon and nortoncommander like this.
  8. It's so good to see a happy gamer. :) Cheers green ! ;)

    Btw Farmerama has a very different concept in some aspects then RC so no surprise leveled event's would be more difficult and less meaningfull there. :)
  9. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

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