Cash for action

Discussion in 'Questions & Bug Reports' started by Fuzo1, Jun 11, 2017.

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  1. Fuzo1

    Fuzo1 User

    I instigated a cash for action through the Treasury, selecting "Offers"
    i selected Nielsen Netratings for a 966 mm payment.
    The MM have never been delivered.
    Support have ignored all requests and i have just noted that they have removed "Nielsen Netratings" from the list of available options.
    Not exactly ethical.
    Lacks a lot of integrity and would suggest to all that you do not trust the "Cash for Action" option. it is not likely to get you anywhare.
  2. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Fuzo1 - Sorry to hear about your issue. The MM's are awarded by the partners, similar to the Cinneplex. We have no control and all we can do is try to contact the vendor and make it good. This might be the reason for that particular vendor has been removed. I will pass your comments up the chain of command. Have you tried contacting the vendor? This is a suggestion. Several people have had success doing this.
  3. Fuzo1

    Fuzo1 User

    yes i have contacted the Vendor and received a number of emails in response. They pushed it off as a country thing.
    A support Ticket was raised and REJECTED
    reasons for which have not been explained
    [Ticket#2017052937015411] How happy were you with our support?

    I cannot see how it can be rejected, when all was completed as requested.
  4. s.c.lynx

    s.c.lynx Game Administrator Team RisingCities

    Fuzo1 - The forum Team has no authority in this situation. All we can do is submit it up the chain of command. But, these are the same people who handle support tickets.