Challenge Points

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by rjv1986, Nov 30, 2013.

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  1. rjv1986

    rjv1986 User

    My houses aren't accumulating challenge points. For examples if my house has completed challenge 3 and I hoover over the third star it will say 50/50 but then when I hoover over the fourth star it will say 0/250 even though I just collected then rent from it.
  2. GORDR22

    GORDR22 User

    i'm having the same problem .... after the first mastery star they stopped collecting
  3. -Wizz-

    -Wizz- User

    Challenges are different from each other. Please read the challenge carefully, some require the usage of improvements, some require a specific type of resident, others require event drops.
    Please see FAQ section for more info.
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